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From Milton Keynes, Buckinghamshire United Kingdom
Age 62
Joined Monday, March 6, 2006
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Extended Profile
G'day everyone, I'm Mad Doc Brown an inventor of the impossible.
I love science, traveling through time(something i have yet to master), reading Jules Verne (when not reading Terry Pratchett), eating chocolate (has to be Cadburys) and collecting clocks.

Yes folks I'm as mad as a March hare so I know I'll fit in well here

Yup I'm actually Martyn Ransom the Mad fizzysist
Lover of Cricket, SciFi, Genealogy and all things Marmite (all of the above is also true except the clocks).

Graduated from Aston Uni with a degree in Physics and a love of Microwave design. I've spent the last 22 years designing Avionics systems for aircraft (in particular TWS Radars). Presently looking at how to spend the rest of my life.

Favourite PTerry book 'Wee Free Men'
Favourite Discworld character Daft Wullie
Favourite Discworld Stamp the TOA
Favourite Food Marmite
Favourite sport Cricket
Favourite Group ZZ Top
Favourite Film Animal House
Favourite colour yellow

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