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Age 71
Joined Sunday, September 21, 2003
Home page bunrab%20dot%20net
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Extended Profile
Science fiction, mysteries, Regency romances, humor, pets, liberal social commentary.

Books on my bookshelf that include a "PC" after the title are part of my permanent collection - they are not available for release, only for discussion and for your information.

Rays, Rings, Etc. that I am running:

Book Ring:
Once Upon A Galaxy
Annchen (Sweden)
bean-frog (UK)
synergy (Texas, US)
thegoaliegirl (Ohio, US)
possibly IrasCignavojo? (Germany)

and then back to me, unless other people ask to get added in
Why I am An Agnostic
juliebarreto, Hawaii
Stensler, WI
theory19, CA
defiant, CA
Bibliovore, Quebec
kz4ufo, FL
sbrina921, MO The book ring stalled here, and sbrina921 has not answered any PMs or emails. Senders, be warned.
hootnoodle, US

Wish list: Blue = Science green = Science Fiction/Fantasy Red = Mystery/Thriller
(I've got a wish list on, where I am also BunRab. )
Creation Controversy and the Science Classroom by James W.Skehan
Mathematics Elsewhere: An Exploration of Ideas Across Cultures by Marcia Ascher
Probability Theory : The Logic of Science by E. T. Jaynes
Science and Earth History: The Evolution/Creation Controversy by Arthur N. Strahler
The Book of Life: An Illustrated History of the Evolution of Life on Earth, Second Edition by Stephen Jay Gould
The Universe in a Nutshell by Stephen Hawking
Why Men Won't Ask for Directions : The Seductions of Sociobiology by Richard C. Francis
Dead on My Feet by Wm. Mark Simmons
Life on the Border by Terri Windling
Tom Holt Omnibus 1: Flying Dutch and Faust Among Equals by Tom Holt
Bushwhacked: Life in George W. Bush's America by Molly Ivins, Lou Dubose
Exotic Companion Medicine Handbook for Veterinarians (2 Vol. Set) by Cathy A. Johnson-Delaney
God's Defenders: What They Believe and Why They Are Wrong by S. T. Joshi
Power Freaks: Dealing With Them in the Workplace or Anyplace by David L. Weiner, Robert E. Lefton
The Motorcycle Safety Foundation's Guide to Motorcycling Excellence: Skills, Knowledge, and Strategies for Riding Right, 2nd ed. by Nate Rauba

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