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From Stratford-upon-Avon, Warwickshire United Kingdom
Age 51
Joined Friday, May 23, 2003
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Extended Profile
I read. I read a lot.
I am a child of my enthusiasms. I'm not prone to half measures or moderation. If I like something, I like it a lot. I'm passionate about good music, good food and good writing. I listen to the first and do my best to create a bit of the other two (whilst enjoying everybody else's at the same time, of course).
Bookcrossing lets me share one of my enthusiasms with others. I've always pressed books on people when they've come to my house - "You must read this, it's fantastic!" - well, now I can do it on a global scale. This pleases me enormously.
My on-line bookshelf is full of the books I rate, full of the books I'd try to loan you if you came round for drinks. If it's on there, I recommend it. In fact, I actively encourage you to borrow it and improve your day (if not your life). It's just a shame I can't pour you a drink and feed you some home-cooked nibbles whilst you choose one...
Have a browse, please. They're on there to be shared out. Trades are always welcome and I'm easy on the postage, if the book's going somewhere it will be appreciated. The only stuff not free to a good home is my reference library. These are marked (R) and, though I can't let you keep them, I'm normally happy to loan 'em out.
Tradewise, I've got hugely eclectic tastes so surprise me. Anything on myths, legends, folklore, fairy tales is always of interest but so are a thousand other topics. Anything specific is on my wish list below (thanks Cliff).
I live with my delightful 7 year-old daughter, Millymoo2 (screenname) so any children's books or audio books are always appreciated.

In between reading and cooking and jigging around to loud music (sometimes all at the same time) I run a little publishing company and I do some writing myself. (first book out soon! Watch this space.) I live in the heart of Shakespeare country and hope to be the second most famous writer from Stratford.
Look forward to talking to you all,

Ben x

My Wish List

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