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Joined Sunday, June 17, 2007
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4 weeks all time
books registered 0 131
released in the wild 0 182
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releases caught 0 65
controlled releases caught 0 0
books found 0 96
tell-a-friend referrals 0 36
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forum posts 0 35
Extended Profile
Official Book Crossing Zone

Located at:

Barclays Coffee & Tea
8976 Tampa Avenue
Northridge, CA 91324

How we use the categories:
TRAVELING - these books have been placed on the shelf and are either still there or have continued on their journey.
AVAILABLE - these books are in storage, waiting to be placed on the shelf or available for specific requests.
RESERVED - these books are currently resting before they continue on their journey.
PERMANENT COLLECTION - these books are no longer available.

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