The Stuff That Never Happened: A Novel

by Maddie Dawson | Literature & Fiction |
ISBN: 0307393674 Global Overview for this book
Registered by lilbit_aj of Alexandria, Virginia USA on 6/20/2011
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2 journalers for this copy...
Journal Entry 1 by lilbit_aj from Alexandria, Virginia USA on Monday, June 20, 2011
the stuff that never happened...
A common theme throughout fiction, from Y.A. to, apparently, books about mid-life crises, seems to be womens' internal, and occasionally external, battle between two men--the proverbial good, albeit not terribly good-looking, guy and the good-looking, cool guy. This book represents another of those battles, except from the point of view of a fifties-something lady looking back through time to the 1970s and flashing forward to 2005. It was honestly refreshing to read a book whose protagonist was older; however, the protagonist seems not to realize that when she got married, she gave up her rights to kiss and to have sex with other men. For almost thirty years, she carries a secret crush for a guy with whom she had an affair in the 1970s. Then, she runs into him again in 2005. At one point in the novel, the protagonist's husband calls her a silly woman, and when she again stumbles across her long-time crush, the reader is likely apt to agree, especially after she insists on carrying her secret crush still. Overall, I have read better, and I have read worse, so hopefully the next reader will enjoy it!

Journal Entry 2 by lilbit_aj at Arlington, Virginia USA on Monday, August 22, 2011

Released 13 yrs ago (8/21/2011 UTC) at Arlington, Virginia USA


Released to a fellow BookCrosser at the BC in DC meet up! It was wonderful to meet everyone and so nice to be around fellow book lovers!

Journal Entry 3 by wing6of8wing at Silver Spring, Maryland USA on Monday, August 22, 2011
The title of this one caught my eye and I was most impressed with all of the labelling you've done! After looking it over, I realize it is not one I would be likely to read, but I will find a great place to wild release it.

So nice to meet you yesterday and hope that you were not intimidated by the craziness of the little group! Hope to see you at future meet-ups.

Journal Entry 4 by wing6of8wing at Ella's Wood-fired Pizza in Washington, District of Columbia USA on Friday, September 2, 2011

Released 13 yrs ago (9/1/2011 UTC) at Ella's Wood-fired Pizza in Washington, District of Columbia USA


After a fabulous meal (I can highly recommend the risotto balls stuffed with mozarella appetizers and the potato, pesto, and prosciutto pizza) I left this little guy on top of the free events brochure rack in the tiny vestibule just inside the front door. Hope it finds a new friend!!

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