Holes (Laurel-Leaf Books)

by LOUIS SACHAR | Children's Books |
ISBN: 044022859x Global Overview for this book
Registered by onemonkey of -- Somewhere in London 🤷‍♀️ , Greater London United Kingdom on 9/9/2003
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Journal Entry 1 by onemonkey from -- Somewhere in London 🤷‍♀️ , Greater London United Kingdom on Tuesday, September 9, 2003
You easily could read Holes in less time than it would take to dig a hole, (5 feet wide and 5 feet deep). And it isn't deep. It won't go over your head (unless you are really little.) The biggest challenge with Holes is to make it last, on every page you'll want to turn over to see what happens next.. or maybe what happened before because it moves back and forth in time. Almost everyone I know has read it in one sitting.. racing to a very satisfying ending. Only to be disappointed that something so unexpectedly wonderful was over before you realised it, but that's life!
One way to relive the thrill is to introduce someone-else to the book. I given away countless copies, all with the instruction, that they must keep moving. This is my first high tech attempt at the same thing.

Oh, one last thing, my sister starts work as an English teacher next week; This is the first book she is going to teach. Dale Carnegie couldn't have made a better choice.

Released on Thursday, September 18, 2003 at Royal Festival Hall bookgroup meeting in London Waterloo, England United Kingdom.

given to one of the urban75 bookgropers.. either eme or bearbot i believe

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