Antolojía Poética

by Juan Ramón Jiménez | Poetry | This book has not been rated.
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Registered by Naranjito of Burgos, Burgos Spain on 3/19/2011
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2 journalers for this copy...
Journal Entry 1 by Naranjito from Burgos, Burgos Spain on Saturday, March 19, 2011
Para la liberación poética del 20 de Marzo de 2011

Journal Entry 2 by Cuenteando at Burgos, Burgos Spain on Saturday, March 19, 2011

Journal Entry 3 by Cuenteando at Plaza de la Poesía in Burgos, Burgos Spain on Saturday, March 19, 2011

Released 13 yrs ago (3/19/2011 UTC) at Plaza de la Poesía in Burgos, Burgos Spain


La Plaza de la Libertad se poetiza en Plaza de la Poesía donde habrá poemas para ordenar, poemas para leer, poemas para escribir, poemas para escuchar y, por supuesto, libros de Poesía... LIBRES.

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