First Lady

Registered by Nanalyssa of White Rock, British Columbia Canada on 8/11/2003
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1 journaler for this copy...
Journal Entry 1 by Nanalyssa from White Rock, British Columbia Canada on Monday, August 11, 2003
I just loved this book. I've made a list of her other books and I intend to read them all. She writes for us gals!

Journal Entry 2 by Nanalyssa at Save On Foods - Semihamoo in White Rock, British Columbia Canada on Tuesday, August 26, 2003
Released on Tuesday, August 26, 2003 at Save On Foods - Semihamoo - grocery cart in White Rock, British Columbia Canada.

I have been releasing so many books lately I've lost track!!! I "think" I left this one in a grocery cart at Save On. If I didn't leave it there...I left it at the new Save On.

I really enjoyed this book. A real Chick Book. Light summer read.

I just borrowed yet another of that author's books from library. It was okay...but I have to tell ya...I got a little tired of the kinky sex descriptions. I thought it demeaned the author. I will not bother to get any more of her books....even though I enjoyed this one that you found.

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