by Mitford, Nancy | Literature & Fiction |
ISBN: 0141181494 Global Overview for this book
Registered by tangledthreads of Derby, Derbyshire United Kingdom on 8/10/2003
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13 journalers for this copy...
Journal Entry 1 by tangledthreads from Derby, Derbyshire United Kingdom on Sunday, August 10, 2003
Omnibus edition, including 'The Pursuit of Love', 'Love in a Cold Climate', and 'The Blessing'. Started reading this morning.

Journal Entry 2 by tangledthreads from Derby, Derbyshire United Kingdom on Monday, August 11, 2003
What I liked about this novel was the way it was like a time capsule: set in the period between the two world wars, it preserves the quintessential englishness of a bygone era. Like Aunt Bolter who appears towards the end of the story, and is trapped in the twenties, this novel while seeming modern for its time (open-minded about affairs during marriage, and backing education - and even work! - for women) is glaringly a product of its time.

Yet it is full of fun and vivacious characters who outside events just happen to - in that way it reminds me of Barbara Trapido. This is not a deep or demanding book, but it is a wonderful piece of escapism that captures the period and people effortlessly.

Journal Entry 3 by tangledthreads from Derby, Derbyshire United Kingdom on Friday, August 15, 2003
(Finished yesterday.) I was drawn into this one much sooner than I was 'The Pursuit of Love' - possibly because I was already familiar with many of the characters. It was good to discover more about the characters previously introduced in TPOL, and I found the story tripped along much more quickly. I enjoyed this as much as TPOL, but thought the ending was quite abrupt.

Started reading this one yesterday, but have decided to take a break for a while. I'm sure I will enjoy the book, but would like a change after reading two in very similar vein consecutively.

Journal Entry 4 by tangledthreads from Derby, Derbyshire United Kingdom on Friday, August 22, 2003
This bookring is now closed to new members. If you are still interested in the book, please PM and I will sort something out when it returns to me.

>I will make a list below of members in the order the book will circulate (this may be amended later depending on shipping preferences/location etc).

>The current and previous owners of the book will be shown on the list in bold, with the current owner also asterisked (*).

>Please make a journal entry when you receive the book, then read, review and release the book within 1 month of receiving it, to keep the circle turning.

>When you are ready to release the book, send a PM to the next member on the list asking for their postal details.

>When the last person on the list has read the book, please contact me for my postal address to return.

1. TangledThreads (UK - will ship internationally)
2. Fire-Dragon (Australia - will ship internationally)
3. starbytes (Malaysia - will ship internationally but prefer Asia/Australia if possible)
4. Gilli (Australia - will ship internationally)
5. LaRue (USA - will ship USA/Canada)
6. sugarkane (USA - will ship internationally)
7. Theresa-A (UK - will ship internationally but prefer UK if possible)
8. rmg (UK - will ship internationally)
9. fluffy-strides (UK - will ship internationally)
10. back to me, tangledthreads (UK)

Released on Thursday, August 28, 2003 at Airmail to Australia in Postal release, England United Kingdom.

On way to first member of bookring, Fire-Dragon - enjoy!

Journal Entry 6 by Fire-Dragon from Newtown, New South Wales Australia on Monday, September 8, 2003
This my first book ring. I picked it up from the post office today. I will read it and pass it on to starbytes.

Journal Entry 7 by Fire-Dragon from Newtown, New South Wales Australia on Tuesday, September 16, 2003
I finished the first book, The Pursuit of Love, today. I will try to be brief since I have already written a long rambling entry in the hard-copy journal.

I was drawn into Mitford's world immediately and believed in the characters instinctively. Mitford deserves her reputation as a consummate stylist. Every passage seems to effortlessly strike the right note, evoking the mood of the class and the era.

I love her assumptions about her readership - there are chapters sprinkled with French conversation with no thought of translation and a passage where middle-class vulgarity is typified by people who say 'notepaper, mirror, perfume and mantelpiece' but no explanation of the supposedly correct terminology. The reader is left to guess 'writing paper, looking glass, scent and chimney piece'. However, I found this charming rather than annoying.

The forward by Philip Hensher is also worth reading.

Journal Entry 8 by Fire-Dragon from Newtown, New South Wales Australia on Wednesday, September 17, 2003
I have now finished Love in a Cold Climate. Objectively I think it was just as good as The Pursuit of Love, however I didn't enjoy it as much. It was still really good but I didn't have the same feeling of delight and discovery. I think partly that's because I read it so quickly and so soon after the first novel. I'm going to give it a little bit of time before I read The Blessing (the third in the omnibus).

Having said that, there is some wonderful characterisation and keenly observed moments. I think I just needed to savour rather than devour. I definitely recommend it.

Journal Entry 9 by Fire-Dragon from Newtown, New South Wales Australia on Saturday, October 25, 2003
I have now finished The Blessing, in which Mitford turns her talent for observation and wit to French society. There are some memorable characters, such as the two nannies, the Dexters and all the fabulous Frenchy lords and ladies. Great stuff.

This is now off to Starbytes. Sorry about the delay (six weeks rather than one month). There were three novels in the volume and my boyfriend wanted to read Love in a Cold Climate. I will get it in the post this week.

Journal Entry 10 by starbytes from Calgary, Alberta Canada on Wednesday, November 5, 2003
I just received the book today, along with the bookring journal! Thanks, Fire-Dragon! Looking forward to reading this soon!

Update 17th November 2003: I just finished The Pursuit of Love today. It took me quite a while to finish it although it held my interest from beginning to end. I agree with a lot of Fire-Dragon's comments, the French conversation was ok for me cause I can get the gist of it, but there were much of it that I couldn't understand. The story itself was wonderful. Fanny being the narrator while Linda is actually the protagonist, I do sometimes wish I knew more about Fanny, but as she said while telling Linda's story, she is a 'happy' person as compared to Linda's misery in her pursuit of love, and happy people are boring. :) Will read another light book before continuing with Love in a Cold Climate.

Update 21st January 2004: I've had this bookring book longer than I should have. I'm so sorry for holding it up. I keep thinking that I'd be able to finish it soon but I just couldn't get into it again. I'm so so sorry. Will be PMing LaRue soon as Gilli has asked to skip this one. Sorry again!

Journal Entry 11 by starbytes at on Sunday, February 29, 2004
Release planned for Monday, March 01, 2004 at To a fellow bookcrosser in Medford, New York Controlled Releases.

I am so sorry I took so long to mail this one out!! I hope LaRue enjoys it!! So sorry for hogging it! :(

Journal Entry 12 by LaRue from Gloucester, Virginia USA on Wednesday, March 10, 2004
Just arrived in today's mail, thanks!

Journal Entry 13 by LaRue from Gloucester, Virginia USA on Tuesday, March 23, 2004
I enjoyed all three of these novels very much - Mitford is like the Jane Austen of her day - skewering social customs while writing a very entertaining plot. The first story is told by Fanny about her riotous cousins, especially the dazzling Linda, and although the writing is light even in the serious sections, it is deceptive as after this story ends you find yourself thinking it over. The second story, Love In A Cold Climate, has many of the same characters in it, however, I enjoyed the first one more. The third, The Blessing, is the tale of a dreamy vague Englishwoman who becomes the war bride to a charismatic French rake, the title refers to the wily manipulative son they rear who tries his best to destroy the adults' happiness so he can continue to be spoilt. Very funny and very prescient of today's yuppies with their trophy children!

Journal Entry 14 by LaRue at on Tuesday, March 23, 2004
Released on Tuesday, March 23, 2004 at Post Office in Adamstown, Pennsylvania Controlled Releases.

Sent via Media mail rate to sugarkane.

Journal Entry 15 by florafloraflora on Wednesday, April 14, 2004
This book has just arrived with its journal (very pretty needlepoint square on the cover). A novel will be a nice respite from the nonfiction I've been slogging through. Just based on a first glance, it looks very tasty. I hope it won't hurt that I have no idea what "Melton" means, or "Bryanston Square", although clearly they mean something.

Journal Entry 16 by florafloraflora on Saturday, April 17, 2004
I have finished The Pursuit of Love. I started out torn between admiration for Nancy Mitford's wonderful sentences and loathing for the Radletts. Much to my surprise, I ended up loving this novel; I found it very moving.

I'm taking a quick break to read a few chapters of my other book, then I'll pick this one back up.

Journal Entry 17 by florafloraflora on Thursday, May 13, 2004
I'm glad I discovered Nancy Mitford and I enjoyed reading The Pursuit of Love, but I'm afraid I have to let this book go without finishing it. If I had more time I'd love to explore these variations on a theme, but I am swamped with bookrings and other life situations and I'd rather not hold this book up any longer. I have rmg's address and will be sending this on soon.

Here is a bit I particularly enjoyed from Love in a Cold Climate:

"It seemed that there had been a burglary during the night and that nearly everybody in the house... had been roundly robbed of jewels, loose cash, furs and anything portable of the kind that happened to be lying about. What made it particularly annoying for the victims was that they had all been woken up by somebody prowling in their rooms, but had all immediately concluded that it must be [a notorious womanizer], pursuing his well-known hobby, so that the husbands had merely turned over with a grunt, saying, 'Sorry, old chap, it's only me, I should try next door,' while the wives had lain quite still in a happy trance of desire, murmuring such words of encouragement as they knew in French."

UPDATE May 15: Sent out today to rmg. Happy reading!

Journal Entry 18 by rmg from Exeter, Devon United Kingdom on Thursday, June 17, 2004
Arrived today!

Journal Entry 19 by rmg from Exeter, Devon United Kingdom on Tuesday, June 22, 2004
THE PURSUIT OF LOVE - Finished this last night. I really enjoyed it, especially the dialog which was really funny. Wrote a more detailed review in the notebook.

Update: Have now finished LOVE IN A COLD CLIMATE, which I liked even more than the last story. I might need a little break now in order not to get Mitford burn-out. Once again, my comments are in the exercise book.

Journal Entry 20 by rmg from Exeter, Devon United Kingdom on Monday, July 12, 2004
I didn't enjoy THE BLESSING as much as the other stories. Maybe I'd hd enough of Mitford's style for now, or perhaps it was the annoying passivity of the heronine. The whole omnibus is now ready to be passed on, I'm just waiting for fluffy-strides to send me her address...

I went out and bought "The Pursuit of Love" and "Love in Cold Climate" as birthday presents for my mother. Their covers are HIDEOUS. They have been given nasty pastel-coloured covers with cartoons of dreamy women on the front, designed to make the books look like chick-lit. Ugh! Can't help feeling that these books have been treated with disrespect because they're written by a woman. Would anyone do that to Evelyn Waugh?

Journal Entry 21 by rmg from Exeter, Devon United Kingdom on Friday, July 23, 2004
Dispatched back to Derby.

Journal Entry 22 by tangledthreads from Derby, Derbyshire United Kingdom on Saturday, July 24, 2004
Received today - this is my very first bookring to make it safely home! It will soon be travelling again...

Journal Entry 23 by tangledthreads from Derby, Derbyshire United Kingdom on Sunday, August 1, 2004
To celebrate the return of my first bookring to make it home, this book is now travelling by surface mail to a country it did not visit during the ring...

Journal Entry 24 by Kislany on Sunday, August 15, 2004
Received it from Tangledthreads, with many thanks.

Update 25 Jan - offered it on bookrelay.

Journal Entry 25 by Kislany at on Monday, January 31, 2005

Released 19 yrs ago (2/3/2005 UTC) at



Sending to LastEdition, who accepted it on bookrelay. Enjoy :)

Journal Entry 26 by LastEdition on Monday, February 14, 2005
Must be my lucky day!
I have just finished a biography about the Mitford girls, and look forward to reading several of the novels that Nancy Mitford wrote.

I take it that this is technically not a bookring anymore?

Released 19 yrs ago (8/22/2005 UTC) at Controlled Release in Controlled Release, A Bookcrossing member -- Controlled Releases



Off to Fluffy-Owl on the relays.

I hope you enjoy this - I got side-tracked by Evelyn Waugh and just could not bear to compare them.

Journal Entry 28 by Fluffy-Owl from Chichester, West Sussex United Kingdom on Wednesday, August 24, 2005
Received today through a BookRelay, looking forward to reading it, will insert it quite high in my TBR pile. Thank you, Lastedition!

Journal Entry 29 by Fluffy-Owl from Chichester, West Sussex United Kingdom on Wednesday, September 14, 2005
I've only read the first two books in this omnibus edition, as I think one can have too much of a good thing. The Pursuit of Love and Love in a Cold Climate were both very good, and I liked the way in which the beginning of the second book went further back in time than the ending of the first book, if that makes sense, so that the books concentrate on different elements of different people. I also liked being tested on my knowledge of French by the frequent untranslated French dialogue! I loved the Radlett family, but think they would drive me mad after a couple of days spent in their company!

Now off to search for a new home for this book, am going to give The Blessing a miss, as have many other bookrings/rays that I really should be reading instead!

Journal Entry 30 by Fluffy-Owl from Chichester, West Sussex United Kingdom on Wednesday, January 4, 2006
Posting off to bookfrogster soon.

Journal Entry 31 by bookfrogster from Edinburgh, Scotland United Kingdom on Tuesday, January 10, 2006
This arrived safely today. Thanks for sending it fluffy-owl, and thanks for the postcard which will be my secret weapon when it comes to crosswords with questions about Cambridge colleges!

Journal Entry 32 by bookfrogster from Edinburgh, Scotland United Kingdom on Sunday, January 15, 2006
The Pursuit of Love and Love in a Cold Climate both made me laugh out loud in places. Although I don't think I'd particularly like many of the characters if I met them in the flesh, they really amused me in these novels. They were all completely bonkers. My favourite bit was Linda's pearl of wisdom about housework in The Pursuit of Love. Heh, heh.

I started The Blessing, but it didn't hook me from the start the way the other two did and I've ended up giving up on it.

Thanks so much for passing these on Fluffy-Owl. At last I can say I've read some Nancy Mitford.

I've found another BCer who'd like to read these so have PMed her.

Released 19 yrs ago (1/19/2006 UTC) at West Maitland Street Post Office in Edinburgh, Scotland United Kingdom



On it's way to Marlene-TC as a trade. Happy reading!

Journal Entry 34 by CrazyDutchwoman from Heemstede, Noord-Holland Netherlands on Tuesday, January 24, 2006
Wow What many readers. Great. Today this book arrived and it seems like a great read. Lately I am back to the books of my youth. Historical fiction. Right now i am reading all my books on the Tudor area, really interesting (Henry the VIII ), so it will take me some time to get to this book.
So many TBR and not enough time. (although I have more spare time than most people (blush)]

Thank you froggy ;-) for this book.
Hope you will enjoy Colony.

Released 15 yrs ago (6/27/2009 UTC) at Strandpaviljoen Zoomers in Castricum, Noord-Holland Netherlands



This book has been catching dust on my shelf. I tried to read it several times but I guess it was not meant to be. So I am going to take it with me to the Big Castricum Beach meeting tomorrow.
Hope someone wants to read it. enjoy!

Journal Entry 36 by marsala from - Ergens in de provincie, Noord-Brabant Netherlands on Sunday, June 28, 2009
Took it with me from the meeting yesterday.

October 8th, 2009: I have just finished this book and I must say I was pleasantly surprised. I especially enjoyed the first two stories, it had a Jane Austen feel to it that I really liked.

Journal Entry 37 by marsala at on Saturday, October 10, 2009

Released 15 yrs ago (10/10/2009 UTC) at



To the winner of the 1001 books sweepstake!

Journal Entry 38 by Danielle23 from Sunderland, Tyne and Wear United Kingdom on Friday, October 16, 2009
The book arrived safely today and looks great. Thanks for sending this Marsala as it's one I haven't read yet and if it has a Jane Austen feel to it, then I'm excited to start reading it xx

Journal Entry 39 by Danielle23 at Sunderland, Tyne and Wear United Kingdom on Saturday, June 28, 2014
Just finished reading this book after it spending far too long on my shelf. I only read 'Love in a Cold Climate' and I loved it. It certainly did have a Jane Austen feel to it although more modern and it's just the kind of thing I like to read.

Polly was quite a strange character, I just couldn't understand why she was never quite happy even when she got her way. Lady Montdore was a very strong character in the beginning and so I found it very strange that she was so easily led and changed when Cedric came along.

I loved Fanny and the Radlett children as they were quite normal and down to earth, although most of the adults were very eccentric or even absent.

I only read the one book of the collection as it was a 1001 book. I'm hoping I have the time soon to read the other books in the collection too as I really enjoyed this.

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