Dogodogo: Tanzanian Street Children tell their stories
Registered by katopua of Flensburg, Schleswig-Holstein Germany on 2/8/2011
This Book is Currently in the Wild!
1 journaler for this copy...
backcover text:
With the help of their English teacher, eight young Tanzanians recount their experiences as street children - how they came to leave home, how they survived, how they found refuge, how they still love their families.
These moving and often shocking stories are illustrated by the boys themselves.
A small book(let) in DinA4 with 50 pages. The printing was sponsored by unicef. And here you find the homepage of the Dogodogo Centre.
The book is fast to read (I just did it, when I wanted to register it ...) and quite interesting. The book is full of beautiful pictures (made by the kids).
With the help of their English teacher, eight young Tanzanians recount their experiences as street children - how they came to leave home, how they survived, how they found refuge, how they still love their families.
These moving and often shocking stories are illustrated by the boys themselves.
A small book(let) in DinA4 with 50 pages. The printing was sponsored by unicef. And here you find the homepage of the Dogodogo Centre.
The book is fast to read (I just did it, when I wanted to register it ...) and quite interesting. The book is full of beautiful pictures (made by the kids).
Is allowed to travel a bit before it will start the way to it's final destination.
1. Facundia
end: CERV, Philippines
address should be found at the end of the book together with some stamps,
if it was lost, you can look it up here: CERV contact
1. Facundia
end: CERV, Philippines
address should be found at the end of the book together with some stamps,
if it was lost, you can look it up here: CERV contact
Released 13 yrs ago (7/26/2011 UTC) at Flensburg, Schleswig-Holstein Germany
Macht sich per Post auf den Weg
Journal Entry 4 by katopua at Packstation in Bonn, Nordrhein-Westfalen Germany on Saturday, November 19, 2011
Released 13 yrs ago (8/15/2011 UTC) at Packstation in Bonn, Nordrhein-Westfalen Germany
Ich erkläre hiermit das Buch als an erster Stelle verschollen.
Es wurde gemäß Suchauftrag der Post von der ersten Teilnehmerin aus der Packstation 107 abgeholt. Aber es erfolgt nie ein Eintrag und diese Teilnehmerin anwortet nicht auf PNs.
Ein Ersatzbuch für diesen Ray ist bereits bestellt und geht demnächst auf die Reise.
I declare this book officially as lost at the first station. According to the search result of the German post office, the book was fetched from the packing station to where it was send but Facundia never journaled it nor is she answering any PNs.
A new book(let) is ordered and will be offered as Ray in short time
Es wurde gemäß Suchauftrag der Post von der ersten Teilnehmerin aus der Packstation 107 abgeholt. Aber es erfolgt nie ein Eintrag und diese Teilnehmerin anwortet nicht auf PNs.
Ein Ersatzbuch für diesen Ray ist bereits bestellt und geht demnächst auf die Reise.
I declare this book officially as lost at the first station. According to the search result of the German post office, the book was fetched from the packing station to where it was send but Facundia never journaled it nor is she answering any PNs.
A new book(let) is ordered and will be offered as Ray in short time