Gap Creek: The Story of a Marriage

by Robert Morgan | Literature & Fiction |
ISBN: 0743203631 Global Overview for this book
Registered by tamugrad02 of Virginia Beach, Virginia USA on 7/24/2003
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2 journalers for this copy...
Journal Entry 1 by tamugrad02 from Virginia Beach, Virginia USA on Thursday, July 24, 2003
I am about half way through this book so I will rate it when I'm finished. It's very good so far. The characters in the book are very uneducated, so sometimes the dialect is a little hard to understand, but I am enjoying it anyway.

Journal Entry 2 by tamugrad02 from Virginia Beach, Virginia USA on Thursday, July 24, 2003
This is a good book. The end of the story kind of left me hanging, but it was a good point at which to stop the story. I would recommend this book to others.

From the back of the book:
There is a most unusual woman living in Gap Creek. Julie Harmon works hard, "hard as a man" they say, so hard that at times she's not sure she can stop. People depend on her.
She is just a teenager when her brother dies in her arms. The following year she marries Hank and moves down into the valley. Julie and Hank discover that the modern world is complex, grinding ever on without pause or concern for their hard work. To survive they must find out whether love can keep chaos and madness at bay.

Journal Entry 3 by tamugrad02 from Virginia Beach, Virginia USA on Tuesday, August 12, 2003
Gave to a fellow BCer at the local "Meet-Up" tonight.

Journal Entry 4 by gilmoskowitz from Norfolk, Virginia USA on Tuesday, August 12, 2003
PIcked up at tonight's meetup with intent to read and release.

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