Enslaved: True Stories of Modern Day Slavery
2 journalers for this copy...

Welcome to BookCrossing! BookCrossing is an international community of booklovers who ‘set books free’ so that books can find new readers who will read them and then re-release them so that all previous readers can follow their journey around the world. It is completely free to join but you are not obliged to do so. If you prefer you can leave an anonymous journal entry below so that we know the book has found a new home.
This particular book is one of dozens that will be released on 2 December 2010 in different parts of Australia to mark 'International Day for the Abolition of Slavery'. I hope when you read the book you will find it as inspiring as I did. To learn more about the adventure this book is a part of, check out the Facebook page called ‘Kim’s Bookcrossing Campaign for Project Futures’ or for a short time http://www.gofundraise.com.au/wildbooks
This particular book is one of dozens that will be released on 2 December 2010 in different parts of Australia to mark 'International Day for the Abolition of Slavery'. I hope when you read the book you will find it as inspiring as I did. To learn more about the adventure this book is a part of, check out the Facebook page called ‘Kim’s Bookcrossing Campaign for Project Futures’ or for a short time http://www.gofundraise.com.au/wildbooks

Journal Entry 2 by kimsue at Darby Street in Newcastle, New South Wales Australia on Thursday, December 2, 2010
Released 14 yrs ago (12/2/2010 UTC) at Darby Street in Newcastle, New South Wales Australia
Welcome to the wonderful world of BookCrossing! You are now part of a community of people around the globe who see the whole world as one big library full of free books.
The book you have found is now yours to read and keep until you feel ready to send it back out into the world for the next reader to discover or pass on to someone else. If you make a journal entry all previous readers of this book will be notified by email, and can follow the book as it travels the world.
Please make a journal entry so that we know the book has found a new home, and consider becoming a regular BookCrosser - it's free!
This particular book that you have found is part of a special release I have organised to raise awareness about sex trafficking and slavery. If the book inspires you, you might like to consider making a small donation at www.gofundraise.com.au/wildbooks but there is certainly no obligation to. The books is yours to enjoy until you wish to send it on its way!
The book you have found is now yours to read and keep until you feel ready to send it back out into the world for the next reader to discover or pass on to someone else. If you make a journal entry all previous readers of this book will be notified by email, and can follow the book as it travels the world.
Please make a journal entry so that we know the book has found a new home, and consider becoming a regular BookCrosser - it's free!
This particular book that you have found is part of a special release I have organised to raise awareness about sex trafficking and slavery. If the book inspires you, you might like to consider making a small donation at www.gofundraise.com.au/wildbooks but there is certainly no obligation to. The books is yours to enjoy until you wish to send it on its way!

I found this book in the Aharn Thai Restaurant in Darby St, Newcastle.

The stories in this book are compelling recounts of modern day slaves that have survived their ordeals. It also recounts a story from a slave owner who seen the light and is now a strong advocate in the anti-slave movement.
I loved the stories, even those that were hard to read or comprehend that human beings can treat each other in such a way.
I hope you enjoy this book - it will be left in a public place for the next reader to enjoy and pass on.
I loved the stories, even those that were hard to read or comprehend that human beings can treat each other in such a way.
I hope you enjoy this book - it will be left in a public place for the next reader to enjoy and pass on.