Rules of Prey

by John Sandford | Mystery & Thrillers |
ISBN: 0425121631 Global Overview for this book
Registered by JudySlump612 of Minneapolis, Minnesota USA on 9/24/2010
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3 journalers for this copy...
Journal Entry 1 by JudySlump612 from Minneapolis, Minnesota USA on Friday, September 24, 2010
Sometimes I wish John Sandford weren't such a good writer, because if he weren't, (a) I'd get to sleep at a decent hour instead of staying glued to his books as long as physically possible; and (b) I wouldn't have to read so many grisly details, leading to some lurid dreams. Of course, I could just be a strong person and not immediately start reading every one of his books I get my hands on... yeah, right!

But that's just one person's opinion. What do YOU think about this book? I hope you will enjoy it, then take a moment to post your comments here - it's free, and you can be anonymous if you like. When you're finished with the book, please share it so it can continue its journey. Everyone should have the fun of finding a free book!

Journal Entry 2 by Meekachu07 at Hugo, Minnesota USA on Sunday, February 27, 2011
This is something that I've read, but will definitely pass it along.

Journal Entry 3 by JudySlump612 at By hand, by hand -- Controlled Releases on Sunday, February 27, 2011

Released 13 yrs ago (2/27/2011 UTC) at By hand, by hand -- Controlled Releases


Given to Meekachu 007 as part of a very pleasant exchange.

Journal Entry 4 by Meekachu07 at Becket, Massachusetts USA on Sunday, June 3, 2012

Released 12 yrs ago (6/4/2012 UTC) at Becket, Massachusetts USA


I am shipping this to Becket, Massachusetts via's Box O' Books. Enjoy!

Journal Entry 5 by MaiasGranny at Becket, Massachusetts USA on Sunday, June 10, 2012
Came to me via box-o-books exchange - Just discovered the Lucas Davenport series - A good read.

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