The Last Templar

by Raymond Khoury | Literature & Fiction |
ISBN: 0451219953 Global Overview for this book
Registered by wingbookstogivewing of Springville, Tennessee USA on 9/7/2010
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3 journalers for this copy...
Journal Entry 1 by wingbookstogivewing from Springville, Tennessee USA on Tuesday, September 7, 2010
I really like stories about the Templars and this was a good one with alot of detail and an interesting story line. This one has a murder/mystery theme as well so it is the best of both worlds :)

This book is available

Released 14 yrs ago (11/22/2010 UTC) at Wrap it Up Bookbox in -- Bookbox, -- By post or by hand/ in person -- USA


Released into the Wrap it Up Bookbox #3, happy travels!

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Journal Entry 3 by flewry at St. Petersburg, Florida USA on Saturday, December 18, 2010
Selected from the Wrap It Up #3 Bookbox. Thank you!

Journal Entry 4 by flewry at St. Petersburg, Florida USA on Sunday, July 31, 2011
I am culling Mt. TBR and making this available. Thanks again, Bookstogive! :)

Journal Entry 5 by flewry at St. Petersburg, Florida USA on Monday, December 5, 2011

Released 13 yrs ago (12/4/2011 UTC) at St. Petersburg, Florida USA


Heading to the Gingko OBCZ in St. Paul, Minnesota!

Journal Entry 6 by wingGinkosOBCZwing at Saint Paul, Minnesota USA on Tuesday, December 20, 2011
Part of a wonderful box from fleury for the OBCZ! Thanks so much!

An Archaeologist and a police dectective try to track down the perpetrators of a violent attack on the Met in NYC. Plots, thrills and excitement abound as the trail leads to the Templars!

Released 13 yrs ago (12/21/2011 UTC) at Gingko Coffee Shop - Snelling And Minnehaha in Saint Paul, Minnesota USA


On the Shelves at the Ginko Coffee House. I hope you enjoy the book and leave a journal entry telling us all what happened. You can remain anonymous if you'd like, or we would be happy if you'd join, and follow this book's travels throughout the world. It's fun, easy, free and the site will not sell your name or divulge information! Happy Reading!

PS If you can't bear to let this book go, that's okay, keep it, just let us know in a journal entry it has a good home!

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