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Milk and Honey (A Peter Decker & Rina Lazarus Novel)

by Faye Kellerman | Mystery & Thrillers |
ISBN: 0449147282 Global Overview for this book
Registered by aetm of Viborg, Viborg Amt Denmark on 6/29/2010
Buy from one of these Booksellers: | Amazon UK | Amazon CA | Amazon DE | Amazon FR | Amazon IT |
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2 journalers for this copy...
Journal Entry 1 by aetm from Viborg, Viborg Amt Denmark on Tuesday, June 29, 2010
A nice detective story I read last year (a different copy of - this one now bought for release).
From back cover:
"With his Orthodox Jewish girlfriend, Rina Lazarus, thousands of miles away in New York wrestling with his marriage proposal, it is a lonelier morning than usual when LAPD detective Pete Decker catches something strange in his headlights. What he discovers is a two-year-old child covered in blood, otherwise unharmed. She doesn't belong to anyone in the housing complex she's crawling around, but Decker knows she must have a family. By the time Rina comes back to town, Decker is obsessed with the case - especially when he stumbles onto a grisly quadruple murder scene and learns what can happen when passion turns into a fatal blood feud..."

Journal Entry 2 by aetm at Seoul, Soul-t'ukpyolsi South Korea on Saturday, July 10, 2010

Released 14 yrs ago (7/10/2010 UTC) at Seoul, Soul-t'ukpyolsi South Korea


On the way to Supertalya - to keep the English readers happy on that side of the world...

Safe journey little book - I hope you'll make many new friends on your travels!

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Journal Entry 3 by Supertalya at Camp Red Cloud in Uijongbu City, Kyonggi-do South Korea on Thursday, September 2, 2010

Released 14 yrs ago (9/2/2010 UTC) at Camp Red Cloud in Uijongbu City, Kyonggi-do South Korea


This book will go up the the soldiers protecting the North and South Korean border (DMZ).

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