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War Horse

by Michael Morpurgo | Other |
ISBN: 0749704454 Global Overview for this book
Registered by wingdark-dracowing of Ledbury, Herefordshire United Kingdom on 6/9/2010
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1 journaler for this copy...
Journal Entry 1 by wingdark-dracowing from Ledbury, Herefordshire United Kingdom on Wednesday, June 9, 2010
This was one of my favourite books when I was a child. I was constantly getting it out of the library, as I never had a copy of my own. It took me ages to track down my own copy, but managed to find this a couple of years ago on a stall at the local Steam Rally - I was over the moon. I can't wait to read it again.

Journal Entry 2 by wingdark-dracowing at Ledbury, Herefordshire United Kingdom on Tuesday, March 22, 2022
I have genuinely no idea how many times I read this as a child, but returning to it all these years later, I was pleasantly surprised to realise how much I had forgotten. Yes, it's a sanitized version of the 1st World War and yes, it has a nice, happy, neat ending, but I honestly don't think any of that matters. It's a great story to introduce children to the idea of animal welfare and animal feelings, and it is peppered by great characters that aren't over mawkish. They face the realities of war along with the reader. One to make you cry and smile throughout.

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