Aesop's Fables (Penguin Popular Classics)

by Aesop | Philosophy |
ISBN: 9780140621280 Global Overview for this book
Registered by lucy-lemon of Llandudno, Wales United Kingdom on 4/30/2010
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2 journalers for this copy...
Journal Entry 1 by lucy-lemon from Llandudno, Wales United Kingdom on Friday, April 30, 2010
Bought as the Fables are on the 1001 list. I did like them, but after about two I was really bored by them. They're all the same! Never mind, it was a quick read at least...

Journal Entry 2 by madmegzy from Blackburn, Lancashire United Kingdom on Tuesday, May 4, 2010
Really looking forward to reading this book, as it is on my 1001 books to read before you die list :-)

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