2 journalers for this copy...

Great young adult book!
~~Passing on to Sweet-Pea as a Pay it Forward Rabck, enjoy!
~~Passing on to Sweet-Pea as a Pay it Forward Rabck, enjoy!

This was a RABCK Pay It Forward from Mid-West Gal.
This book is part of my reading curriculum for 5th graders. They have to read it at their own speed and are tested on it, upon completion, as part of my reading class.
Since the students use my in-class computer, they will use my log-in name, add a journaler, post their first name and last initial and what they thought of it. That way, it will go to students who need to read it!
I thought this was an excellent way of paying it forward and keeping many posts on it. I am on my way to drop it off at the home of one of my students who asked for a copy if I found one. Once that student is finished, it will be given back to me and paid forward to another student in the class.
Thanks to Mid-West Gal who has helped out many students and will have a book w/lots of journal entries. It's definitely a book that will be payed forward to many, many kids!
This book is part of my reading curriculum for 5th graders. They have to read it at their own speed and are tested on it, upon completion, as part of my reading class.
Since the students use my in-class computer, they will use my log-in name, add a journaler, post their first name and last initial and what they thought of it. That way, it will go to students who need to read it!
I thought this was an excellent way of paying it forward and keeping many posts on it. I am on my way to drop it off at the home of one of my students who asked for a copy if I found one. Once that student is finished, it will be given back to me and paid forward to another student in the class.
Thanks to Mid-West Gal who has helped out many students and will have a book w/lots of journal entries. It's definitely a book that will be payed forward to many, many kids!

Jordan G. I loved this book. My favorite part was when the boys gave Stanley his nickname!
This book went to Kevin K.
This book went to Kevin K.

Kevin K.
I liked the whole book. My favorite part I liked the ending best but Mrs. W said not to write how it ends or she'll kill me.
Bridget W. just ripped this book out of my hand so that means she is reading it next. Mrs. W's gonna be maaa-aad.
I liked the whole book. My favorite part I liked the ending best but Mrs. W said not to write how it ends or she'll kill me.
Bridget W. just ripped this book out of my hand so that means she is reading it next. Mrs. W's gonna be maaa-aad.

Bridget W. Oh my gosh, I totally did not rip the book out of Kevin's hand. He is such a total liar!
I loved this book. It was soooo cool how everything came together at the end. That was my favorite part how it all came together and you find out why it did. Anyways, Dan C. took the book today!!
I loved this book. It was soooo cool how everything came together at the end. That was my favorite part how it all came together and you find out why it did. Anyways, Dan C. took the book today!!

Daniel C. loves this book and loves the movie, too. I liked the sunflower seeds part. I'm handing this book over to Olivia.

Hi! I'm Olivia B. and I'm in Ms. W's reading class. Hi Ms. W! I read this book twice over the weekend and am so ready for my test!
I liked the truck part. I can't say more than that, tho. but if you read it, you know what I'm talking about. I'm passing this book on to Lauren M. Thanks to the person who gave Ms. W this book!
I liked the truck part. I can't say more than that, tho. but if you read it, you know what I'm talking about. I'm passing this book on to Lauren M. Thanks to the person who gave Ms. W this book!

Lauren McD. here. This is a cool book! I liked the part where they make a "big" discovery. I'm going to give this book to Ethan W. because he asked me to.

Ethan W. read this book and liked it alot. My favorite part was the ending. I finished this about a while ago and gave it to Abby B.

Abby B. Ethan is a slug and I had to remind him to write so I could write. Even tho he's a slug, I liked the same part as Ethan. I gave this book to Elisa G. on Friday.

I'm Elisa and I read this book a long time ago but forgot to write about it. I liked the whole book. I thought it was interesting. I didn't think I'd like it because it was all about boys, but it held my interest!

Theresa G. read this book, too. Elisa gave it to me. I loved the ending the most. I gave this book to TJ.

It's about time you two journaled! Ms. W said I couldn't until you did. Anyway, I gave this book to Jack. I liked the sploosh part!