3 journalers for this copy...
Journal Entry 1 by abigailann from Wallingford, Oxfordshire United Kingdom on Saturday, April 3, 2010
Chick lit told from the point of view of Claire Webster, who has just had her first child. Feelings are well developed and sometimes complex, but many characters are not fleshed out. The whole book has the feeling of reading someone's diary.
Delighted to find it hanging from a a gate. My first "book crossing" book.
Journal Entry 3 by AnonymousFinder at Haringey, Greater London United Kingdom on Tuesday, June 1, 2010
Picked it up at an Oxfordshire train station and have taken it with me to London. Also my first Book Crossing :)
Picked it up at an Oxfordshire train station and have taken it with me to London. Also my first Book Crossing :)
Journal Entry 5 by Eastersunday at Little Whittenham, Oxfordshire United Kingdom on Tuesday, June 8, 2010
I didn't finish the book- got about half way, but the story was taking too long to move on-maybe I would have related to it more if I was 20 years younger!