Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrell

by Susanna Clarke | Science Fiction & Fantasy |
ISBN: 1582346038 Global Overview for this book
Registered by SarahWanders of Langley, Washington USA on 2/11/2010
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1 journaler for this copy...
Journal Entry 1 by SarahWanders from Langley, Washington USA on Thursday, February 11, 2010
I read fast and read a lot, so I bought this book for it's thickness as much as because of the description on the back. I am still bummed, years after purchasing the novel, that I could not get into the story. I tried many, many times over the years to read this book, but could never even get through the first 100 pages- the number of pages I give to any book before calling it quits if it is not drawing me in. Just a common courtesy, I guess.

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