The Parrot's Lament

by Eugene Linden | Pets & Animals |
ISBN: 0965007546 Global Overview for this book
Registered by SupremeGoddess of Modesto, California USA on 11/15/2009
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1 journaler for this copy...
Journal Entry 1 by SupremeGoddess from Modesto, California USA on Sunday, November 15, 2009
I read this book over the summer, over a period of a couple of weeks, so I don't remember many details. But even glancing at the pages now, I am reminded how the stories of animal intelligence, trickery, and compassion intrigued me. I am not a big fan of zoos, and many of the stories are about zoo animals, so I had mixed feelings about the stories. You will come away with a new appreciation for the other animals that share our planet.

Journal Entry 2 by SupremeGoddess at Arcata, California USA on Monday, March 22, 2010

Released 14 yrs ago (3/21/2010 UTC) at Arcata, California USA



Gave to friend Michael to read and pass on.

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