Secrets of a Small Town: The Extraordinary Confessions of Ordinary People
2 journalers for this copy...

More than hundred people anonymously reveal their little secrets to the author of this book.

Although easy-to-read and somewhat entertaining, some of these secrets are just not that interesting or not something that you want to hear. Some of the secrets are unbelievable. Some people have very troubled or hurtful lives.

Journal Entry 3 by tabby-cat-owner at A RABCK, A RABCK -- Controlled Releases on Wednesday, December 3, 2014
Released 10 yrs ago (12/3/2014 UTC) at A RABCK, A RABCK -- Controlled Releases
This book has been mailed to MyssCyn of SanAnotonio, Texas. I tagged her with this book in the wishlist tag game a long time ago.
I hope you enjoy this book, MyssCyn. Sorry for the long wait.
I hope you enjoy this book, MyssCyn. Sorry for the long wait.

Received this wishlist tag today. Thank you! Never realized it was "late".

Finally got around to reading this "quick read"!
Perfect little book to keep next to the bed for a short, amusing story nightly. I wish I had done so.
Off on a world adventure as soon as I get a reply to my address inquiry from Dutch-book.
Perfect little book to keep next to the bed for a short, amusing story nightly. I wish I had done so.
Off on a world adventure as soon as I get a reply to my address inquiry from Dutch-book.