The Eagle has Landed

by Jack Higgins | Literature & Fiction | This book has not been rated.
ISBN: 0553025007 Global Overview for this book
Registered by gnissorckoob of Miami, Florida USA on 7/31/2009
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Journal Entry 1 by gnissorckoob from Miami, Florida USA on Friday, July 31, 2009
This is an older paperback that my mom gave me for bookcrossing. She read it and said it is interesting and about an effort to kidnap Churchill during WWII.

Released 15 yrs ago (8/1/2009 UTC) at -- By Hand Or Post, Ray/Ring, RABCK, Meetup in Miami, Florida USA


WILD RELEASE NOTES: I get a lot of reading at Goodwill, so this is an obvious place to recycle books. Goodwill charges you about 75 cents, for a good cause.

What's bookcrossing? It's the karma of books. It's random acts of literature. It's a recycling game. You read the book, or pass it along to someone you think can appreciate it, or simply release it in a good place to be found again. Whatever you do, please leave an entry in this online journal so we can all follow its travels.

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