The Color Purple
by Alice Walker | Literature & Fiction | This book has not been rated.
ISBN: 0671727796 Global Overview for this book
ISBN: 0671727796 Global Overview for this book
1 journaler for this copy...

This is an older copy. I remember reading this book a long time ago when a vacation was rained-in.
Winner of the Pulitzer Prize. "Sisters Nettie and Celie, the former a missionary in Africa, the latter a southern woman trapped in an unhappy marriage, share their thoughts and experiences throughout a thirty-year correspondence."
Winner of the Pulitzer Prize. "Sisters Nettie and Celie, the former a missionary in Africa, the latter a southern woman trapped in an unhappy marriage, share their thoughts and experiences throughout a thirty-year correspondence."

Journal Entry 2 by gnissorckoob at -- By Hand Or Post, Ray/Ring, RABCK, Meetup in Miami, Florida USA on Friday, July 31, 2009
Released 15 yrs ago (8/1/2009 UTC) at -- By Hand Or Post, Ray/Ring, RABCK, Meetup in Miami, Florida USA
I get a lot of reading at Goodwill, so this is an obvious place to recycle books. Goodwill charges you about 75 cents, for a good cause.
What's bookcrossing? It's the karma of books. It's random acts of literature. It's a recycling game. You read the book, or pass it along to someone you think can appreciate it, or simply release it in a good place to be found again. Whatever you do, please leave an entry in this online journal so we can all follow its travels.
I get a lot of reading at Goodwill, so this is an obvious place to recycle books. Goodwill charges you about 75 cents, for a good cause.
What's bookcrossing? It's the karma of books. It's random acts of literature. It's a recycling game. You read the book, or pass it along to someone you think can appreciate it, or simply release it in a good place to be found again. Whatever you do, please leave an entry in this online journal so we can all follow its travels.