The Zookeeper's Wife (A War Story)
by Diane Ackerman | Biographies & Memoirs | This book has not been rated.
ISBN: 9780393333060 Global Overview for this book
ISBN: 9780393333060 Global Overview for this book
1 journaler for this copy...

My mom read this and commented, "A war story -- WWII. I was not planning to read it. I lived during these horrible times. But this was a different kind of story."

Journal Entry 2 by gnissorckoob at Panera Bread - 8870 SW 72nd Court in Miami, Florida USA on Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Released 15 yrs ago (8/18/2009 UTC) at Panera Bread - 8870 SW 72nd Court in Miami, Florida USA
WILD RELEASE NOTES: I don't know if this is still an Official Bookcrossing zone. I didn't see a book basket.
What's bookcrossing? It's the karma of books. It's random acts of literature. It's a recycling game. You read the book, or pass it along to someone you think can appreciate it, or simply release it in a good place to be found again. Whatever you do, please leave an entry in this online journal so we can all follow its travels.
What's bookcrossing? It's the karma of books. It's random acts of literature. It's a recycling game. You read the book, or pass it along to someone you think can appreciate it, or simply release it in a good place to be found again. Whatever you do, please leave an entry in this online journal so we can all follow its travels.