The Virgin of Small Plains: A Novel

by Nancy Pickard | Literature & Fiction | This book has not been rated.
ISBN: 9780345471000 Global Overview for this book
Registered by gnissorckoob of Miami, Florida USA on 7/30/2009
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Journal Entry 1 by gnissorckoob from Miami, Florida USA on Thursday, July 30, 2009
My mom read this and liked it. She bragged, "I guessed the ending and I was right."

From the publisher's description: Small Plains, Kansas, January 23, 1987: In the midst of a deadly blizzard, eighteen-year-old Rex Shellenberger scours his father’s pasture, looking for helpless newborn calves. Then he makes a shocking discovery: the naked, frozen body of a teenage girl, her skin as white as the snow around her. Even dead, she is the most beautiful girl he’s ever seen. It is a moment that will forever change his life and the lives of everyone around him. The mysterious dead girl–the “Virgin of Small Plains”–inspires local reverence. In the two decades following her death, strange miracles visit those who faithfully tend to her grave; some even believe that her spirit can cure deadly illnesses. Slowly, word of the legend spreads.

Journal Entry 2 by gnissorckoob at Panera Bread - 8870 SW 72nd Court in Miami, Florida USA on Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Released 15 yrs ago (8/18/2009 UTC) at Panera Bread - 8870 SW 72nd Court in Miami, Florida USA


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