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Little Indiscretions: A Delectable Mystery

by Carmen Posadas | Literature & Fiction | This book has not been rated.
ISBN: 0812966317 Global Overview for this book
Registered by gnissorckoob of Miami, Florida USA on 7/30/2009
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Journal Entry 1 by gnissorckoob from Miami, Florida USA on Thursday, July 30, 2009
My mother read this and gave it to me for bookcrossing. She said it was delicious. "Fun to read."

Product Description:

A runaway international bestseller and winner of Spain’s top literary prize, Little Indiscretions is part ingeniously entertaining whodunit and part sparkling social satire.

Business is slow for Nestor Chaffino, pastry chef to the rich and famous, until he’s invited to cater a party in a villa on the Costa del Sol. When Nestor is found frozen to death in a walk-in freezer with a notebook in his hand, the party guests gathered that evening are the natural suspects. But who could have it in for a harmless cook?

The answer, it turns out, is just about everyone who happens to be staying in the house. Nestor, while quietly stirring his sauces and whisking his egg whites, had decided to publish a compendium of gastronomic secrets that revealed, along with the culinary tricks of his trade, more than a few damning details of the hosts’ and houseguests’ private lives. To what lengths would they go to ensure that Nestor maintained a more permanent sense of discretion?

Not since Nick and Nora Charles’s last cocktail party has such a merry band of mischief makers convened in one place. Little Indiscretions marks the discovery of a phenomenal writer with tremendous flair. It’s a gourmet treat readers will pounce on.

Journal Entry 2 by gnissorckoob at Whole Foods Market in Coral Gables, Florida USA on Monday, August 3, 2009

Released 15 yrs ago (8/3/2009 UTC) at Whole Foods Market in Coral Gables, Florida USA


WILD RELEASE NOTES: in the stairwell

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