The Ghost That Haunted Itself: The Story of the McKenzie Poltergeist
3 journalers for this copy...
A spooky story about the hauntings at Greyfriar's Cemetery in Edinburgh...don't read it alone! I will release it shortly when I go on a trip to Skye.
Journal Entry 2 by Tavishhouse at Dunvegan in Isle of Skye, Scotland United Kingdom on Tuesday, August 11, 2009
Released 15 yrs ago (8/10/2009 UTC) at Dunvegan in Isle of Skye, Scotland United Kingdom
Its in the gorgeous gardens at Dunvegan Castle, in the walled garden.
Its in the gorgeous gardens at Dunvegan Castle, in the walled garden.
I took the book, when it was lying by itself on a bench outside a castle in the Hebrides of western scotland.. I was already reading another book, so I took it with the intention of reading it later on my travels in scotland.. But after returning to Copenhagen, where I live - i had too much to do.. Now I am participating in a summer school in Stuttgart and have finally read the book - in the end it only took me a day and a half;-) I was a bit let down as I opened the book, because i had thought that it was a kind of "whole story" - fairy-tale-ish.. With historical elements.. But I started reading and when I got to the point with the homeless man - I found myself laughing so hard that I started couching.. Later on - around half way through I was sitting in the bathroom - enjoying a foodbath along with the book - and my room mate knocks on the door and makes me jump from the shock.. So you could say that I was quite consumed with the book :-)
I have told a few people here about the book and now they want to read it - so I will pass it onto them and hope that they send it on further travels when they are done with it..
I have told a few people here about the book and now they want to read it - so I will pass it onto them and hope that they send it on further travels when they are done with it..
I got the book in September 09 from a colleague at a summerschool in my home town Stuttgart. I am not really a fan of spooky stories and that's why I first put the book at the bottom of my 'to read'-stack.
When I went abroad to perform some studies, I took it with me and finally read it. I am still no fan of spooky stories, but it was not that bad.
I will pass it on to someone here in Dahab and keep an eye on its journeys...
When I went abroad to perform some studies, I took it with me and finally read it. I am still no fan of spooky stories, but it was not that bad.
I will pass it on to someone here in Dahab and keep an eye on its journeys...