The Ghost That Haunted Itself: The Story of the McKenzie Poltergeist

by Jan-Andrew Henderson | Nonfiction |
ISBN: 1840184825 Global Overview for this book
Registered by Tavishhouse of Callander, Scotland United Kingdom on 7/26/2009
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3 journalers for this copy...
Journal Entry 1 by Tavishhouse from Callander, Scotland United Kingdom on Sunday, July 26, 2009
A spooky story about the hauntings at Greyfriar's Cemetery in Edinburgh...don't read it alone! I will release it shortly when I go on a trip to Skye.

Journal Entry 2 by Tavishhouse at Dunvegan in Isle of Skye, Scotland United Kingdom on Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Released 15 yrs ago (8/10/2009 UTC) at Dunvegan in Isle of Skye, Scotland United Kingdom



Its in the gorgeous gardens at Dunvegan Castle, in the walled garden.

Journal Entry 3 by LoHoHe on Thursday, September 24, 2009
I took the book, when it was lying by itself on a bench outside a castle in the Hebrides of western scotland.. I was already reading another book, so I took it with the intention of reading it later on my travels in scotland.. But after returning to Copenhagen, where I live - i had too much to do.. Now I am participating in a summer school in Stuttgart and have finally read the book - in the end it only took me a day and a half;-) I was a bit let down as I opened the book, because i had thought that it was a kind of "whole story" - fairy-tale-ish.. With historical elements.. But I started reading and when I got to the point with the homeless man - I found myself laughing so hard that I started couching.. Later on - around half way through I was sitting in the bathroom - enjoying a foodbath along with the book - and my room mate knocks on the door and makes me jump from the shock.. So you could say that I was quite consumed with the book :-)

I have told a few people here about the book and now they want to read it - so I will pass it onto them and hope that they send it on further travels when they are done with it..

Journal Entry 4 by tuenf from Stuttgart, Baden-Württemberg Germany on Thursday, December 17, 2009
I got the book in September 09 from a colleague at a summerschool in my home town Stuttgart. I am not really a fan of spooky stories and that's why I first put the book at the bottom of my 'to read'-stack.
When I went abroad to perform some studies, I took it with me and finally read it. I am still no fan of spooky stories, but it was not that bad.

I will pass it on to someone here in Dahab and keep an eye on its journeys...

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