The Pelican Brief

by John Grisham | Mystery & Thrillers | This book has not been rated.
ISBN: 0440214041 Global Overview for this book
Registered by wing5PtsFarmMarketwing of Norfolk, Virginia USA on 4/26/2009
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This book is in the wild! This Book is Currently in the Wild!
3 journalers for this copy...
Journal Entry 1 by wing5PtsFarmMarketwing from Norfolk, Virginia USA on Sunday, April 26, 2009
Kindly donated to be released at the OBCZ.

Journal Entry 2 by elle311 at Bean There Cafe in Norfolk, Virginia USA on Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Released 15 yrs ago (5/6/2009 UTC) at Bean There Cafe in Norfolk, Virginia USA



Release #24 The Movie Book Challenge

What you have in your hands is an honest-to-goodness gift, no strings attached. You may keep it forever and ever, pass it on to a friend, or release it in the wild like I did. I know it may seem a little odd to find this lying around--it's my way of touching the lives of others in a positive way, with the hope that it made your day. ;)

If you are new to BookCrossing and find this book and this site, welcome! Enjoy the site, the book and hopefully the BookCrossing community. I hope you'll join BookCrossing (doesn't cost anything to join!) and if you do, please consider using me, elle311, as the member who referred you. Or you may remain anonymous!

If you are an old hand at BookCrossing, thanks for picking up the book! Either way, I hope you'll journal so all the previous and future readers can track this book's journey.

Happy reading and Happy BookCrossing!

Journal Entry 3 by wingBeanThereCafewing from Norfolk, Virginia USA on Wednesday, May 13, 2009
On the shelf, waiting for it's next adventure!

Journal Entry 4 by elle311 at Suffolk, Virginia USA on Saturday, October 27, 2012

Released 12 yrs ago (10/27/2012 UTC) at Suffolk, Virginia USA


When Bean There Cafe was going to move to their new location, the owner placed all the books in a garbage bag and wasn't going to take them there! This is one of the rescued.

Donating this book hoping it will do two things: help the Friends of the Suffolk Library and find this poor book that has been sitting on my shelf for too long a new reader!

Journal Entry 5 by elle311 at Suffolk, Virginia USA on Saturday, June 6, 2015

Released 9 yrs ago (6/6/2015 UTC) at Suffolk, Virginia USA


This book will be in a box free for the taking at the Community Yard Sale tomorrow. It's been sitting here too long...I hope it gets lots of journal entries! Happy travels, little book!

What you have in your hands is an honest-to-goodness gift, no strings attached. You may keep it forever and ever, pass it on to a friend, or release it in the wild like I did. I know it may seem a little odd to find this lying around--it's my way of touching the lives of others in a positive way, with the hope that it made your day. ;)

If you are new to BookCrossing and find this book and this site, welcome! Enjoy the site, the book and hopefully the BookCrossing community. I hope you'll join BookCrossing (doesn't cost anything to join!) and if you do, please consider using me, elle311, as the member who referred you. Or you may remain anonymous!

If you are an old hand at BookCrossing, thanks for picking up the book! Either way, I hope you'll journal so all the previous and future readers can track this book's journey.

Happy reading and Happy BookCrossing!

Journal Entry 6 by elle311 at LFL - Paul D. Camp Community College in Suffolk, Virginia USA on Sunday, June 16, 2024

Released 5 mos ago (6/16/2024 UTC) at LFL - Paul D. Camp Community College in Suffolk, Virginia USA


What you have in your hands is an honest-to-goodness gift, no strings attached. You may keep it forever and ever, pass it on to a friend, or release it in the wild like I did. I know it may seem a little odd to find this lying around--it's my way of touching the lives of others in a positive way, with the hope that it made your day. ;)

If you are new to BookCrossing and find this book and this site, welcome! Enjoy the site, the book and hopefully the BookCrossing community. I hope you'll join BookCrossing (doesn't cost anything to join!) and if you do, please consider using me, elle311, as the member who referred you. Or you may remain anonymous!

If you are an old hand at BookCrossing, thanks for picking up the book! Either way, I hope you'll journal so all the previous and future readers can track this book's journey.

Happy reading and Happy BookCrossing!

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