McSweeney's Mammoth Treasury of Thrilling Tales

by Michael Chabon (Editor) | Literature & Fiction |
ISBN: 140003339x Global Overview for this book
Registered by tamarabk of Lynnwood, Washington USA on 5/25/2003
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Journal Entry 1 by tamarabk from Lynnwood, Washington USA on Sunday, May 25, 2003
Here it is - the much anticipated Mcsweeney's 10, guest edited by Michael Chabon. This was an all-genre issue, but I'm not really sure what genre it is. Sci-fi? Action? Horror? Mystery? All would seem to fit. Some of the stories are quite good, and there are a suprising number of contributions from mainstream writers, such as Steven King and Michael Chrichton, for a literary magazine.
Other writers represented include Sherman Alexie, Chris Offut, Dave Eggers, Neil Gaiman, Nick Hornby, and Michael Chabon just to name a few.

Journal Entry 2 by tamarabk at Third Place Commons in Lake Forest Park, Washington USA on Sunday, May 25, 2003
Released on Sunday, May 25, 2003 at Third Place Commons in Lake Forest Park, Washington USA.

I am meeting alsomama for brunch today, we are both bringing books to pile up on our table and hopefully attract some of our fellow booklovers...

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