The Earth Hums in B Flat

by Mari Strachan | Literature & Fiction |
ISBN: 184767304x Global Overview for this book
Registered by seethroughfaith of Turku, Varsinais-Suomi / Egentliga Finland Finland on 3/31/2009
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Journal Entry 1 by seethroughfaith from Turku, Varsinais-Suomi / Egentliga Finland Finland on Tuesday, March 31, 2009

'The Earth Hums in B Flat is a richly evocative, warm but unsentimental tale of a child detective struggling to piece together clues about the lives around her. These lives, and the characters who live them, are so vividly drawn and Mari Strachan's careful unraveling of the secrets they hide is extremely compelling. (from the back cover)

This book was given to me by Canongate to review.

You can , read the whole review here but basically I thought this was a fine book. It's probably best suited for a younger reader (teen/young adult) although it does deal with some very serious issues beneath the surface. It's set in Wales (UK) in the 1950s and some of the character's names are hard to pronounce!

My favourite quote comes near the back of the book (near where you find out why the book has the title it does!)

[Mr Hughes (Music teacher)]laughed when I said it was the note the Earth hummed. He said: You'll be hearing the music of the spheres next, Gwenni. But he doesn't know how the Earth's deep, never ending note clothes me in rainbow colours, fills my head with all the books ever written, and feeds me with the smelle of Mrs Sergeant Jones' famous vanilla biscuits and the strawberry taste of Instant Whip and the cool slipperiness of glowing red jelly. (p. 284)


It's time to let this book go. Hope it finds a new reader and a new temporary home before being re-released again.

I love reading where books end up -and what other readers thought of the book (good and bad!) - so do please take time to make a journal entry if you possibly can. Appreciate that!

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