Soul Mountain

by Gao Xingjian | Literature & Fiction | This book has not been rated.
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Registered by booksontapeworm of Chicago, Illinois USA on 3/9/2009
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1 journaler for this copy...
Journal Entry 1 by booksontapeworm from Chicago, Illinois USA on Monday, March 9, 2009
To be honest, I just bought this book because of the title. Soul Mountain. I don't judge a book by the cover but I will judge a book by the title. I'm not proud of it. There's just something about a gripping title that I read as I walk by my bookshelf. But I'm finally going to release Soul Mountain into the wild in the hopes it finds a better home and loving owner who dives deeper than the print on the cover. I hope someone will actually tackle this book that certainly is the size of a mountain. If this book really is as good as the title, could I have it back please?

Journal Entry 2 by booksontapeworm at Red Line (details in notes) in Chicago, Illinois USA on Monday, March 9, 2009

Released 15 yrs ago (3/10/2009 UTC) at Red Line (details in notes) in Chicago, Illinois USA



I hope to leave this on an empty seat on the train on the way to work and watch someone find it! We'll see how sneaky I can be...

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