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A Womans Place: A Novel

by Lynn Austin | Women's Fiction |
ISBN: 9780764228902 Global Overview for this book
Registered by spaceystacey of Bridgeton, New Jersey USA on 2/15/2009
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5 journalers for this copy...
Journal Entry 1 by spaceystacey from Bridgeton, New Jersey USA on Sunday, February 15, 2009
BAM bookclub read for March. Then on as a bookring, starting March 7, 2009.

From the backcover: They watched their sons, their brothers, and their husbands enlist to fight a growing menace across the seas. And when their nation asked, they answered the call as well....

Virginia longs to find a purpose beyond thoer's expections.
Helen is driven by a loneliness money can't fulfill.
Rosa is desperate to flee her in-laws's rules.
Jean hopes to ptove herself in a man's world.

1. rossella05 journaled as read.
2. jaenelle journaled as read.
3. paulsbooks(tostle)
4. ?????
7. Supertalya

Journal Entry 2 by karen07814 from Colchester, Essex United Kingdom on Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Excellent read, new aspects of homelife US style in WW2. We have plenty of UK books but without bookcrossing this wouldn't have evn registered on my radar. Having read Mudbound recently it also had elements of the racial equality fight in it. I think I maybe learned a bit too much God stuff in it for my usual read. Overall enjoyable enough fo me to have received it yesterday and read it by today, thank you SpaceyStacey (picture shows where the book is now)
as per email dated 29/03/09

Journal Entry 3 by karen07814 at Smith Center, Kansas USA on Friday, April 3, 2009

Released 15 yrs ago (4/3/2009 UTC) at Smith Center, Kansas USA



over to you and then back to spaceystacey please

Journal Entry 4 by jaenelle from Orlando, Florida USA on Saturday, August 15, 2009
PM'ed about address.

Journal Entry 5 by spaceystacey from Bridgeton, New Jersey USA on Sunday, December 20, 2009
Received in the post yesterday. I have to check my emails as I am not sure why this read came back to me at this time. I have contacted the next reader on the list to see if they are still interested in reading it.

Just before christmas this book was posted out to the next reader on the list. Happy Reading.

Journal Entry 6 by tostle from Salt Lake City, Utah USA on Monday, January 11, 2010
(aka PaulsBooks) I received this book! Thanks for sharing. It looks great!

Journal Entry 7 by tostle from Salt Lake City, Utah USA on Wednesday, March 24, 2010
What a lovely story! Thanks for sharing this book with me. I am sorry I kept it for so long.
I loved this quote from page 383: "Children are supposed to grow up and leave the nest and fly on their own. Of course, we want to hold them close, and we want them to always need us. But that is not healthy for them or for us."
It looks as though I will be sending this book back home! Thanks again for sharing a tender story!

Journal Entry 8 by tostle at Salt Lake City, Utah USA on Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Released 14 yrs ago (8/11/2010 UTC) at Salt Lake City, Utah USA


This book is FINALLY on its way to supertalya! Happy Travels!

Journal Entry 9 by Supertalya at Yongsan, Soul-t'ukpyolsi South Korea on Wednesday, September 22, 2010
Stacey! You are the best! It looks a great read and perfect for the women serving in the greatest military. :-)

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