Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrell

by Susanna Clarke | Science Fiction & Fantasy | This book has not been rated.
ISBN: 1582346038 Global Overview for this book
Registered by carlissa of Gainesville, Florida USA on 1/12/2009
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Journal Entry 1 by carlissa from Gainesville, Florida USA on Monday, January 12, 2009
Susanna Clarke's brilliant first novel is an utterly compelling epic tale of nineteenth-century England and the two very different magicians who, as teacher and pupil and then as rivals, emerge to change its history. Sold in 21 languages, with a major motion picture from New Line on the way, Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrell is a tour de force that has captured the imagination of readers worldwide.
(from Barnes & Noble synopsis)

I started to read this book awhile ago, but never finished it.

Journal Entry 2 by carlissa at Panera Bread - 13617 South Dixie Highway in Miami, Florida USA on Monday, January 12, 2009

Released 16 yrs ago (1/12/2009 UTC) at Panera Bread - 13617 South Dixie Highway in Miami, Florida USA



taking to BC meeting. If no one wants this book, I will leave it in the book basket

(my daughter picked up this book)

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