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Return of the Twelves, The

by Pauline Clarke | Children's Books | This book has not been rated.
ISBN: 0440475368 Global Overview for this book
Registered by shaunesay of Olathe, Kansas USA on 12/13/2008
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Journal Entry 1 by shaunesay from Olathe, Kansas USA on Saturday, December 13, 2008
Welcome to Bookcrossing! You’ve just found a unique and fun community with many levels of enjoyment! You can be as involved or anonymous as you like, in the end, it’s all about spreading the love of reading far and wide! Thank you for picking up this book and taking the time to check out! If you do decide to join us, please consider using myself, ‘shaunesay’ as your referrer. Enjoy! :)

Released for the Books by the Number Challenge, and the 2008 Leap Into the Wild Challenge

Journal Entry 2 by shaunesay at Town Center Plaza in Leawood, Kansas USA on Friday, December 19, 2008

Released 16 yrs ago (12/13/2008 UTC) at Town Center Plaza in Leawood, Kansas USA



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