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Buying a Fishing Rod for My Grandfather

by Gao Xingjian | Literature & Fiction | This book has not been rated.
ISBN: 0007170394 Global Overview for this book
Registered by wingDavros-10wing of Banyo, Queensland Australia on 12/11/2008
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Journal Entry 1 by wingDavros-10wing from Banyo, Queensland Australia on Thursday, December 11, 2008


Gao Xingjian, for some time now a French citizen, is still revered in China as a 'home-grown', multi-talented, writer/painter; the first-ever Chinese winner of a Nobel Prize for Literature.The half-dozen stories in this volume have never before been published in English. What is particularly striking is their 'familiarity': the experiences, emotions, reactions, are universal, One memorable day of a honeymoon, nothing spectacular happens but the young couple, and we, will never forget it. Two old friends meet in a park, and part again, wistfully. A swimmer suffering from cramp nearly dies. Witnesses of a street accident respond as witnesses to accidents everywhere do: they're nosey, judgemental, bossy ... The final two stories are longer: Grandfather's Fishing Rod is full of nostalgia; 'In An Instant' is a long, dreamlike stream- of -consciousness series of word-pictures with water as the linking theme. A masterly achievement. The writing throughout is spare, simple, subtle, straight to, and from, the heart. Sympathetically translated. Special. (Kirkus UK)

Praise for Gao Xingjian:'When he writes of his experiences in the real world, Gao transcends cultural barriers. A good story will out in any language, and when Gao is good he is staggeringly so.' Daily Telegraph'Brilliant and poetic, keen and original... Gao's ambition is to transcend the specifics of time and place, to write a meditation on literature itself and its ability to reveal the raging, brutal, brilliant beast that is mankind itself... [His work] burns with a powerfully individualistic fire of intelligence and depth of feeling... Unforgettable.' New York Times"

Journal Entry 2 by wingDavros-10wing at Lutwyche Shopping Centre in Lutwyche, Queensland Australia on Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Released 16 yrs ago (12/30/2008 UTC) at Lutwyche Shopping Centre in Lutwyche, Queensland Australia



On the windscreen of a car at random in the car park.

Released for the 2008 Never Judge A Book By Its Cover Release Challenge: Week 52 (Anything Goes).

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