A Child Called 'It': One child's courage to survive
3 journalers for this copy...

Birthday RABCK to gunvor

Birthday RABCK to gunvor
Birthday RABCK to gunvor

Thanks for the book, I got it by mail today.

This is a hard book to rate. It's an awful but at the same time an important book. Child abuse is really hard to understand - what happens to parents that think they have the right harm their child? As I read it I thought luckily this was in the 60ies and these things dont happen anymore. At the same time here in Denmark on the news there was a story of a 13-year old girl being held slave by her parents. So guess they still do, and it's important to acknowledge that they happen so the poor children can get help.

Released 15 yrs ago (5/16/2009 UTC) at
Congratulations BarkLessWagMore on winning the sweepstake!
Congratulations BarkLessWagMore on winning the sweepstake!

Thanks for sending this one to me. It sounds like a grueling read and I appreciate you sharing it with me.

This was a tough book to read but having read Jack Ketchum's "The Girl Next Door" which was as horrific a tale of child abuse as any I've ever read and which was scarily based on a true story, this one didn't shock me. It was sad and horrible and I am so glad the child managed to become a stable adult but the writing style really prevented me from becoming involved with the child's nightmare. It read as if the author made a list of every horrible thing his mother ever did to him and wrote them down one by one. There was usually no lead in to the punishments. He just went right into them with no rhyme or reason. It was painful to read but also tedious. I don't think I'll search out the other books in the series unless I hear that the writing has improved.
Thank you all for sharing. I'm going to pass it along now.
Thank you all for sharing. I'm going to pass it along now.

Journal Entry 8 by BarkLessWagMore at Post Office in Windham, New Hampshire USA on Tuesday, June 2, 2009
Left on top of the mailbox in the parking lot.
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Left on top of the mailbox in the parking lot.