
by Stephen King | Horror |
ISBN: 0450056740 Global Overview for this book
Registered by Kryssa of a secret surprise!, A RABCK -- Controlled Releases on 10/15/2008
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2 journalers for this copy...
Journal Entry 1 by Kryssa from a secret surprise!, A RABCK -- Controlled Releases on Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Classic Stephen King horror story. Obsession, lust, and terror.

Journal Entry 2 by Kryssa at Cafe Kino in Stokes Croft, Bristol United Kingdom on Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Released 15 yrs ago (4/30/2009 UTC) at Cafe Kino in Stokes Croft, Bristol United Kingdom



This is part of the first wave of books I am releasing to set up the new OBCZ in Bristol! Thanks to Cafe Kino and the lovely BCers that have helped me out with this!

The bookshelf is located in the downstairs seating area.

Happy reading, and I hope to see the crossing zone get off to a good start :D

Journal Entry 3 by bookowl1000 from Wuhan, Hubei China on Friday, July 31, 2009
Found when having lunch at Cafe Kimo today. I stopped there specifically because I looked for OBCZs in Bristol before visiting today. I dropped off a couple of books while there.

I love Stephen King and am looking forward to reading it.

Journal Entry 4 by bookowl1000 from Wuhan, Hubei China on Monday, September 14, 2009
I read this book while away for this weekend. How fitting that I should be reading about a haunted car while spending a lot of time being driven around in a car.

I loved the way that the first section of the book was a narrative by Dennis, Arnies best friend. He observes his friend becoming obessed by the car and feels that there is something wrong with the car but has nothing concrete to base his assumptions. I was left wandering, was this all in his head? I think King did this on purpose.

Just because a person becomes fixated on something does not mean that something supernatural is happening; people do sometimes behave in unexpected and 'unhealthy' ways which can be a sign of an emotional problem rather than a supernatural one. It is also a part of human nature to let there imagination run away with them and start interpreting conincidences in a creepy way. When does it become real?

I did enjoy this book, though I usually do enjoy Kings novels. I normally would have read another bookcrossers book a sooner than this, but as I knew that I would be releasing the book on King's birthday I did not feel the need to hurry.

Journal Entry 5 by bookowl1000 at Coffee #1 in Chepstow, Wales United Kingdom on Thursday, September 17, 2009

Released 15 yrs ago (9/21/2009 UTC) at Coffee #1 in Chepstow, Wales United Kingdom



I am releasing this book on Stephen Kings birthday as a part of a challange set by spazcat .

Left on the bookshelf just inside the door of the coffee shop - an OBCZ.

If you are lucky enough to find it please read, journal and release for someone else to enjoy.

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