Breathing Lessons

by Anne Tyler | Literature & Fiction |
ISBN: 042511774x Global Overview for this book
Registered by TennysonsMom on 9/15/2008
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This book is in the wild! This Book is Currently in the Wild!
3 journalers for this copy...
Journal Entry 1 by TennysonsMom on Monday, September 15, 2008
Easily one of the worst books I've read this year.

From the back cover:

Everyone knows a couple like the Morans. Maggie, with her scatterbrained ways and her just slightly irritaating, but goodhearted attempts to make everything ring for everyone...And Ira, infinitely patient, who's addicted to solitaire and who whistles out popular tunes, the only barometer of his moods. They've learned all there is to know about each other---two ordinary lives in a comfortable routine marriage.

But on the road to a friend's funeral, they make some unexpected detours--and discover how extraordinary their ordinary lives really are...

Released 16 yrs ago (10/10/2008 UTC) at Kudu Coffee And Craft Beer - 4 Vanderhorst St in Charleston, South Carolina USA



I forgot to make the release notes on this. I released this during the Charleston Unconvention at the meet and greet. Enjoy!

Journal Entry 3 by mississippimom from Olive Branch, Mississippi USA on Friday, October 24, 2008
I'm making a journal entry on all the books in the "melydia BookCrossing MeetUP BookBox".
Just to let everyone know it made it safe and sound to Mississippi.

The MidSouth BookCrossers will enjoy going through the box
and picking out their favorites and adding books they hope others will enjoy.

Journal Entry 4 by wingsolittletimewing from Portland, Maine USA on Monday, January 5, 2009
The MeetUp BookBox, including this book, arrived in Maine and will journey to the next meeting of the Southern Maine BookCrossing Group to meet some of our Maine BookCrossers.

Journal Entry 5 by wingsolittletimewing from Portland, Maine USA on Wednesday, January 7, 2009
I took this book out of the MeetUp BookBox that we passed around at the meeting of the Southern Maine BookCrossing Group tonight. Thanks for including us in this fun project. We enjoyed it!

Journal Entry 6 by wingsolittletimewing from Portland, Maine USA on Tuesday, January 13, 2009
Reserved for the Never Judge a Book By Its Cover Release Challenge which week 2 features a name in the title. Rea.

Also reserved for the 2009 Movie Books Release Challenge, hosted by msrubble. Breathing Lessons.

And this book is a part of the BookCrossing "The Reader" Challenge: to find and release books that somehow relate to the award winning book “The Reader” by Bernhard Schlink. The movie based on the book opens January, 2009 (in the U.S.). Be sure to check your local theatres for listings.

As an added bonus, if you have found this book before February 22 and join BookCrossing, you can enter our The Reader contest. Simply attend a screening of The Reader and save your ticket stub. Print your screen name on the back of the stub and send it to BookCrossing: The Reader Contest at 323 Pine Street, Sandpoint, ID 83864. We will hold a drawing shortly after February 22, 2009 to determine the winners and you will be notified by email if you have won. One more reason to sign up for BookCrossing today! (Full details available online at )

Not to mention the Track Your Challenge Releases Challenge, hosted by Jare.

Journal Entry 7 by wingsolittletimewing at Flatbread Company - 72 Commercial St in Portland, Maine USA on Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Released 16 yrs ago (1/13/2009 UTC) at Flatbread Company - 72 Commercial St in Portland, Maine USA



Released in the OBCZ (Official BookCrossing Zone) bookcase in the entryway at Flatbread Company, 72 Commercial St, Portland, Maine.

Welcome to BookCrossing!

Please make a journal entry to let me know that this book has been caught so I know that it has found a good home with you. If you are new to BookCrossing, when you join please indicate that you were referred by solittletime or any other journaler. (You can make a journal entry anonymously if you don't want to join.) I hope that you enjoy the book. You can make another journal entry with your comments when you are done reading.

Then, whenever you are ready to send it on its way, make a journal entry if you are giving or sending this book to a known person, or a release note if you are leaving it “in the wild” again for anyone to catch. Then watch its journey. You’ll be alerted by e-mail each time someone makes another journal entry. And it’s confidential (you are known only by your screen name and no one is ever given your e-mail address), free, and spam-free.

I hope that you will enjoy the BookCrossing experience!

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