Like Water for Chocolate: A Novel in Monthly Installments with Recipes, Romances, and Home Remedies
by Laura Esquivel | Humor | This book has not been rated.
ISBN: 0385420161 Global Overview for this book
ISBN: 0385420161 Global Overview for this book
2 journalers for this copy...

I picked this up at a garage sale today. It looks like a pretty good read...each chapter is a different month and recipe, although it does seem to be mostly narrative.

Journal Entry 2 by blundergirl at Missouri Council for the Blind 1445 W Kearney St in Springfield, Missouri USA on Thursday, May 8, 2003
Released on Thursday, May 08, 2003 at Missouri Council for the Blind 1445 W Kearney St in Springfield, Missouri USA.
Because I recently moved into a smaller apartment, I had to rid myself of a BUNCH of books. This one was among those I donated to the Missouri Council for the Blind, on 1445 W Kearney St (the corner of Kearney and Kns Exp). Generally, they charge about 16 cents for books, and most or all of that goes to the Council for the Blind. Do a good deed....go rescue this book!
Because I recently moved into a smaller apartment, I had to rid myself of a BUNCH of books. This one was among those I donated to the Missouri Council for the Blind, on 1445 W Kearney St (the corner of Kearney and Kns Exp). Generally, they charge about 16 cents for books, and most or all of that goes to the Council for the Blind. Do a good deed....go rescue this book!

As I am definitely a chocoholic, this book definitely caught my attention. Will read and release...unless I can't part with the chocolate recipes!!!!!!!!!!!! Just kidding...I will help it on its journey.