A Patchwork Planet (Ballantine Reader's Circle)

by Anne Tyler | Literature & Fiction | This book has not been rated.
ISBN: 0449003981 Global Overview for this book
Registered by SerenityBlue of Toronto, Ontario Canada on 7/4/2008
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Journal Entry 1 by SerenityBlue from Toronto, Ontario Canada on Friday, July 4, 2008
I recently just realized the high cost of books for children:) I am apalled that people in this area can't afford new books for their children. I posted in here too because as you know this is my favourite forum:) Grin:)
I did do in activists too and will do chit chat also. My sciatica is getting better so I will most likely be able to spend more time in fun and games if I'm not out in my garden lol. Can't go far these days unfortunately. A few years back I did a worldwide drive for a poor ethnic tenament set of buildings in this area in Toronto and was amazed by the kindness of bookcrossers but I was embarassed that the person in charge from literature for life did not even come on our site to say thank you. I must have got over 500 books. I was ashamed. But I'm thinking of doing it again and books could be again posted to me but I would drop off at my new zone a dollar store on Parliament in Toronto East of Carlton. It seems to be doing very well and I got a new member and only started it last week. Also still dropping off at Ben Wicks on Parliament East of Gerrard. doctor's offices, and when my walker wants to go that far Starbucks at Yonge and Bloor. I have recently purchased a ton of books and will drop them off at these zones and at my very first garage sale tomorrow at 260 Gerrard Street East July 5th 10 am. My very first grin:) I never sold anything in my life before but this sciatica is causing a lot of expenses and I also do need room in my cluttered apartment. I collect horses and angels but somehow I ended up collecting other things. My boxes are like from 5 cents to 1.00 and the highest price for clothes is 8 and that's jeans.Most are 1 dollar lol. I lost a lot of weight lol to try and get rid of the pain as it pulls my back causing the pain but physio is helping and I have gone down from 138 to 109 but 9 pounds of that is converted into 5 inches in my stomach smile. I realized I have some expensive Royal Doulton that someone could use and some retro stuff too. Washed everything in the last few days but with the profits if any (I'll likely give more away than sell lol) I will spend in the dollarama store bc zone for things for the red door a Toronto Women's shelter(as well as covering some expenses the sciatica) for women in crisis with children and new immigrants. The young owner is starting to collect from people. For Torontonians you can go to www.reddoor.ca to see things that they need. If you wish to join in my cause and want to mail books you could pm me for my addy or you could just join me in this silent process and start getting those childrens books around at your own zones and releases in chilren based organizations and mention it at your meetings that it is unfair that people cannot afford books for their children
and once again I am reminded of farenheit 451 where books were burned. Libraries are great but some people can't find time to take their children. Another rant against how new immigrants are treated so badly forced to take minimum wage jobs and being exploited. Recently I heard that some new immigrants who work for a big company in Toronto cleaning don't even get one break in 8 hours and are afraid to complain because they fear they will lose their jobs and pay high rent and key money because they don't know the laws. Yes I'm getting political again but will refrain from causing a fuss just getting the word round to friends and political amigos in a silent manner. You know me and my causes I get carried away but I have to be careful as to how much walking I can do and my garden is looking wonderful and beckoning each day despite all this rain. I was lazy. I threw in seeds, then soil and then birdseed and let the birds do the work and the result is totally amazing:) If you do drop by the garage sale you will have to take a look at the back and front. Toys are in there free for children who come to visit grin:)Amazing how many neighbours have started to come inside our gate lol. Anway please join me in this silent protest and also I haven't had a lot of people interested in the poetry/quote journal I am restarting so pm me if you are interests otherwise I'll just keep it to the people already joined (in red) on my shelf. Have a wonderful July 4th my American friends and a great weekend to the rest of the world of bc'ers. Hugs and Love Margaret And oh yest thanks to JoolsW who surprised me with a bc certificate I donated back to bc and to ams11810 who bought me wings for my bd. I won't say I'm now in the freedom 55 club grin. Yikes do I get seniors discounts on anything does anyone know?


Released 16 yrs ago (7/4/2008 UTC) at Dollar Shop at Parliament east of Carlton in Toronto, Ontario Canada



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