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Galileo's Daughter: A Drama of Science, Faith and Love
2 journalers for this copy...

Clearing out our bookshelves. This book was a great disappointment - it should have been really good (Gallileo has always been one of my great heroes), but it was just boring, and poorly written overall :-(
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Given to another bookcrosser at tonight's meetup.
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Given to another bookcrosser at tonight's meetup.
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Caught at the Cafe Bleu tonight.

Whoops - three years since I "found" this book. I think I was put off reading it by Futurecat's review.
Anyway, I finally read it, finishing last night. I was glad of the warning about the standard of the writing etc.
I enjoyed this as a companion read to Sarah-Kate Lynch's "Dolci di Love", which was also set in Tuscany. I love how in some countries the landscape doesn't change over 400+ years.
I also enjoyed the archaic language of the letters. My emails to my parents have never been so wordy: "Most Illustrious and Beloved Parents..."
Anyway, I finally read it, finishing last night. I was glad of the warning about the standard of the writing etc.
I enjoyed this as a companion read to Sarah-Kate Lynch's "Dolci di Love", which was also set in Tuscany. I love how in some countries the landscape doesn't change over 400+ years.
I also enjoyed the archaic language of the letters. My emails to my parents have never been so wordy: "Most Illustrious and Beloved Parents..."