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The Amulet of Power (Lara Croft: Tomb Raider)
by Mike Resnick | Literature & Fiction | This book has not been rated.
ISBN: 0345461711 Global Overview for this book
ISBN: 0345461711 Global Overview for this book
1 journaler for this copy...

Received in a box-o-books swap via

Journal Entry 2 by Daedelys at USA in Somewhere in the USA, -- Wild Released somewhere in USA -- USA on Wednesday, October 29, 2014
Released 10 yrs ago (10/29/2014 UTC) at USA in Somewhere in the USA, -- Wild Released somewhere in USA -- USA
Yay! I'm learning to live with less clutter! If I reviewed it and loved it, I may get a Kindle edition to have near forever... unless there's a zombie apocalypse or something... if I don't need to read it again, it's just off to find a new reader. However, sometimes there's no review and that means I just didn't have the time to read and review it before deciding that I'm sick of packing with so many books! My loss is your gain... ;P Enjoy!
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