Breathing Lessons
Registered by LilB of Auckland, Auckland Province New Zealand on 5/10/2008
This Book is Currently in the Wild!

3 journalers for this copy...

I love Anne Tyler - this isn't my favourite but her writing still beats the pants off most. Winner of the Pulitzer Prize.

Journal Entry 2 by LilB at Mezze Bar in Auckland, Auckland Province New Zealand on Monday, May 12, 2008
Released 16 yrs ago (5/13/2008 UTC) at Mezze Bar in Auckland, Auckland Province New Zealand

Picked up from LilB at the Mezze Bar. Not really the kind of book I usually read, but not bad once you get into it.

Picked up at the Cock N Bull Christmas meetup.
Wow, this book has been in the hands of someone who went to school with David Beckham, so that makes me ...... quite possibly in need of breathing lessons if I ever get to see him in the flesh.
I'll read this one and then look for somewhere interesting to release it over the holidays. Merry Christmas.
It took me a little while to get into it but it got me laughing in places and I always appreciate a book that can do that.
Wow, this book has been in the hands of someone who went to school with David Beckham, so that makes me ...... quite possibly in need of breathing lessons if I ever get to see him in the flesh.
I'll read this one and then look for somewhere interesting to release it over the holidays. Merry Christmas.
It took me a little while to get into it but it got me laughing in places and I always appreciate a book that can do that.

Journal Entry 5 by ruby11 at Random spot in Whangamomona village, Taranaki New Zealand on Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Released 16 yrs ago (12/30/2008 UTC) at Random spot in Whangamomona village, Taranaki New Zealand
Will be released somewhere on the Forgotten World Highway. Happy New Year to the finder and the previous crossers.
Will be released somewhere on the Forgotten World Highway. Happy New Year to the finder and the previous crossers.

The Forgotten Highway must have got to me as I forgot to release this book -I'll set it free somewhere north of Auckland in the next couple of days.
This book went for a lovely whirl around the Matakana Coast but forgot to escape, again.
Last night at a pub quiz one of the questions was "Who has been voted the sexiest man alive and has children?" I thought it would be Brad Pitt, someone else suggested David Beckham (which reminded me about this book). It was infact Johnny Depp. Anyway, in honour of David Beckham's recent trip to Auckland, the fact that I'm a big fan and this book has been read by someone who went to school with him, I've decided (to definitely) release it in Beckham Place in Auckland this weekend, number 23 if there is one. My kind of ideal world is when a Pulitzer Prize winning author could share a pot of Earl Grey with a celebrity and soccer star.
I hope the finder enjoys the book (and appreciates my sense of humour on this occasion).
This book went for a lovely whirl around the Matakana Coast but forgot to escape, again.
Last night at a pub quiz one of the questions was "Who has been voted the sexiest man alive and has children?" I thought it would be Brad Pitt, someone else suggested David Beckham (which reminded me about this book). It was infact Johnny Depp. Anyway, in honour of David Beckham's recent trip to Auckland, the fact that I'm a big fan and this book has been read by someone who went to school with him, I've decided (to definitely) release it in Beckham Place in Auckland this weekend, number 23 if there is one. My kind of ideal world is when a Pulitzer Prize winning author could share a pot of Earl Grey with a celebrity and soccer star.
I hope the finder enjoys the book (and appreciates my sense of humour on this occasion).

Journal Entry 7 by ruby11 at Beckham Place in Auckland, Auckland Province New Zealand on Thursday, January 15, 2009
Released 16 yrs ago (1/16/2009 UTC) at Beckham Place in Auckland, Auckland Province New Zealand
No. 23?
No. 23?