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by James Herbert | Horror | This book has not been rated.
ISBN: 0330376136 Global Overview for this book
Registered by suedo of Redditch, Worcestershire United Kingdom on 5/26/2008
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1 journaler for this copy...
Journal Entry 1 by suedo from Redditch, Worcestershire United Kingdom on Monday, May 26, 2008
This book came to me in May courtesy of a kind lady who volunteers at Oxfam. Oxfam have to dispose of books that do not sell, and locally I receive some of these books and try to share them through bookcrossing.
If this is your introduction to Bookcrossing, welcome. Please make as few or as many comments about the book as you wish. The book is now yours to do with as you choose. Keep it, pass it on, but please leave the label, so it can keep in touch with us.
slipping this onto mount TBR

Journal Entry 2 by suedo from Redditch, Worcestershire United Kingdom on Tuesday, October 21, 2008
I found a sex schene in this strangely disturbing so gave up on it. Not sure why it disturbed me.

Released 16 yrs ago (10/25/2008 UTC) at OBCZ - Durham Cathedral - closed 2009 in Durham, County Durham United Kingdom



At the meet up

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