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Adaline Falling Star
3 journalers for this copy...

Copyright 2000, Paperback book that was purchased from a library sale. I enjoy the writings of this author. I plan to share this book with my niece, Kersten. This book is the fictional story of Kit Carsons' daughter. Her name was Adaline Falling Star. Because her mother was an Indian she was treated bad by Kits' relatives, she had to stay with them awhile because Kit had to lead an exploration of a Rocky Mountain Pass. While she was in St. Louis with the relatives they made her a servant in their home and school. Because Falling Star thought her dad did not want her anymore she decided to leave St. Louis and go back to her mothers' relatives. A little dog joins her along the way and they have a great adventure together.

My daughter will read this book.

This book was a very good book. This book is about a little half-Indian girl. Her mom died of a very bad sickness and the little girl is very sad and misses her mom very much. She lives with her dad now. One day her father has to go on a trip to log all of the animals and plants and leaves his daughter with his cousins. They treat her not very good and they take some of her things and burn them. I do not recommend little kids read this book. It talks about many things that little kids should not read. I would say that it is maybe a sixth grade book maybe a fifth grade book.

This book is being given to a family member to be read.
This book is being given to a family member to be read.

This book is going to a new reader.