The Lions of Lucerne
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of Cape Coral, Florida USA on 3/7/2008
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Scot Harvath # 1
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If you are new to BookCrossing and found this book and this site, Welcome!
You have in your hands a free gift. This book is yours to do with as you wish...read it, share it, keep it, pass it on!
I've registered this at BookCrossing.com so that I can keep up on where it goes, who reads it, and what they thought of it. If you like the BookCrossing concept, you might want to register yourself with a screen name, so that you can keep up on this book, and maybe release others also! It’s all confidential (you’re known only by your screen name and no one is ever given your e-mail address), fascinating, and fun!
Thank you for picking up this book. I'd love to see an entry letting me know it is safe with you. Do with it as you please... read it (or not!), give it to a friend, keep it, leave it in the wild - it's up to you! Enjoy! If you like you can mention me, booklady331, as the one who referred you.

I found Brad's book to be well written. The length of the book did not deter from the story; in fact, I never felt like the book was too long. I have read one other book by the author. This is the first in the Scot Harvath series and though I have read one down the line, I plan on reading this series in order.
I am reserving the book for purple4.
I am reserving the book for purple4.

Enjoy! RABCK to purple4