The Last Templar

by Raymond Khoury | Literature & Fiction |
ISBN: 0451219953 Global Overview for this book
Registered by rem_ZDT-546687 on 2/12/2008
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3 journalers for this copy...
Journal Entry 1 by rem_ZDT-546687 on Tuesday, February 12, 2008
In 1291, a young Templar Knight flees the fallen Holy Land, setting out to sea with a mysterious chest entrusted to him by the Order's dying grand master. The ship vanishes without a trace.

Journal Entry 2 by rem_ZDT-546687 at Oma Rinks Sterntaler in Frankfurt am Main, Hessen Germany on Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Released 17 yrs ago (2/12/2008 UTC) at Oma Rinks Sterntaler in Frankfurt am Main, Hessen Germany



Journal Entry 3 by theninscha on Tuesday, February 12, 2008
beim meetup mitgenommen, ich lass mich mal überraschen :-)

Journal Entry 4 by theninscha at Meetup Frankfurt in Frankfurt am Main, Hessen Germany on Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Released 15 yrs ago (5/12/2009 UTC) at Meetup Frankfurt in Frankfurt am Main, Hessen Germany



Liebe Finderin, lieber Finder.
Ich bin ein Buch auf Wanderschaft: Lies mich und las mich wieder frei. Wenn du einen Eintrag im Internet machst, kannst du meine Reise verfolgen. Das ist kostenfrei und anonym. Viel Spass bei bookcrossing.

Journal Entry 5 by BLu177 from Frankfurt am Main, Hessen Germany on Thursday, May 14, 2009
No wild release as far as I am concerned, I caught it at the meet up and I hope it will not take too long till it is it's turn to be read.

Journal Entry 6 by BLu177 at Frankfurt am Main, Hessen Germany on Saturday, October 10, 2009

Released 15 yrs ago (10/12/2009 UTC) at Frankfurt am Main, Hessen Germany



I loved every page of this very entertaining story, though I have to admit I am not very interested in whether or not the story and it's ideas are based on facts or not, its fiction and no scientific essay of some sort or other.

It will be released at this month's Meet Up next tuesday.

Journal Entry 7 by theninscha on Wednesday, December 9, 2009
strangely, this book is back with me.....but not for long. I finally read it and it will be released again tomorrow. although I finished it, the story is not that interesting as the plot is well-known to readers of this kind of fiction.

Journal Entry 8 by theninscha at Novotel in București, Wallachia Romania on Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Released 15 yrs ago (12/10/2009 UTC) at Novotel in București, Wallachia Romania



Dear finder. I am a travelling book. Read me and release me again. To follow my journey around the world, you can make an online journal entry - it is free and anonymous. Have fun with bookcrossing!

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