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Adaline Falling Star

by Mary Pope Osborne | Children's Books | This book has not been rated.
ISBN: 0439059488 Global Overview for this book
Registered by Firegirl of Tucson, Arizona USA on 11/20/2007
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2 journalers for this copy...
Journal Entry 1 by Firegirl from Tucson, Arizona USA on Tuesday, November 20, 2007
From back cover: After her mother dies, eleven-year-old Adaline is sent to live in St. Louis while her father, the famous scout Kit Carson, explores the West. Because of her mixed heritage, Adaline is shunned by her relatives, but she suffers in silence while waiting for her father's return. When Adaline realizes she may have been abandoned, she decides to find her own way back to her mother's people, where she is sure her father will find her. With the company of a stray dog, Adaline sets out on a journey that will either save her life -- or end it.

Journal Entry 2 by Firegirl from Tucson, Arizona USA on Thursday, December 20, 2007
Sending to Dusties for her memorial library.

Journal Entry 3 by Dusties from Pompey, New York USA on Saturday, January 12, 2008
This book has arrived safe and sound in Central New York and is headed to The Mary Dunn Houston Memorial Library. Thank you again Firegirl for helping with this libray in honor of my daughter in law.

Journal Entry 4 by Dusties at Mary Dunn Houston Memorial Library in East Syracuse, New York USA on Saturday, January 12, 2008

Released 17 yrs ago (1/12/2008 UTC) at Mary Dunn Houston Memorial Library in East Syracuse, New York USA



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