Like Water for Chocolate: A Novel in Monthly Installments with Recipes, Romances, and Home Remedies
Registered by Rendiru of Carmichael, California USA on 2/27/2003
This Book is Currently in the Wild!

2 journalers for this copy...

This was the fable-like tale of Tita, who struggled for years against her mother’s domination, searching for a way to find happiness. Her mother insisted that as the youngest daughter, Tita was bound never to marry, and must take care of her mother until her mother died. This unhappy family tradition led the mother to marry Tita’s older sister to Tita’s true love, Pedro. There were unhappy decisions made all around in this novel, yet every bit of happiness that the characters managed to eke from their lives became more intense because of their suffering. I enjoyed reading this novel, but I don’t think I will re-read it any time soon, so I’ll send it on its way for someone else to enjoy.
This is on its way to onesmartcookie. Enjoy! :-)
This is on its way to onesmartcookie. Enjoy! :-)

I have just recieved this book from Rendiru! I think she has the best release labels I have seen yet. Nicely done! I will release this book once read. I did watch the movie a long* time ago so it will be interesting to see if the movie mirrors the books.
Christina in Canada
Christina in Canada

Journal Entry 3 by onesmartcookie at Releasing it to a Friend in Edmonton, Alberta Canada on Friday, April 4, 2003
Released on Friday, April 04, 2003 at Releasing it to a Friend in Edmonton, Alberta Canada.
Released to a friend today!
Released to a friend today!

A cross between a folk tale and a Mexican recipe book. A nice little read. Enjoyed. Off into the wild it goes..

Journal Entry 5 by onesmartcookie at IGA. 97 Street. Northside. in Edmonton, Alberta Canada on Sunday, June 15, 2003
Released on Sunday, June 15, 2003 at IGA. 97 Street. Northside. in Edmonton, Alberta Canada.
Left near the bakery inside IGA.
Left near the bakery inside IGA.